More Kerry Cluelessness

Well, Kerry’s attempts to curry favor with gun owners has failed. How in the world the Secret Service let him operate a firearm without proper protection is beyond me – but no one with even the faintest clue about firearms would step on a range without both hearing and eye protection – and the second picture makes it damn clear why.

UPDATE: Not only that, but Kerry would have banned shotguns like the ones he was holding

UPDATE: The National Shooting Sports Association has more. They say gun Kerry is shooting isn’t the Beretta A300, but a Remington 11-87. Since I’m better with historical weapons than modern ones, I’ll take their word for it. In any case, the shotgun Kerry was using would be banned under the ridiculous Kerry-sponsored bill S. 1431.

I also like Remington’s response to all this:

Remington President Tommy Milner said, “Rest assured, Remington was neither aware of this presentation in advance nor in any way supportive of its intent to support Senator Kerry’s candidacy. In fact, the company remains amused by ongoing photos of Senator Kerry shooting without either ear or eye protection while discharging a firearm.”

Kerry’s transparent efforts to woo gun owners by covering for his anti-Second Amendment positions have backfired on his more than the shell from that gun…

11 thoughts on “More Kerry Cluelessness

  1. Oh, I don’t know about that. Hell, the one time in my life I shot a shotgun was without eye or ear protection, when I was handed one at Boy Scout camp and told to blow away a clay pigeon (which I missed by about a mile)… and usually those folks are safety nuts…

  2. Kerry’s a phony…pure and simple…

    Here he pretends to be some gun afficionado, as he has in the past, and yet he reveals himself to be a total novice…

  3. This is yet another Kerry Dukakis-in-a-tank moment…

    I’ve talked to many gun enthusiasts, and he isn’t fooling anyone…he just looks more nerdy and weak than ever…

  4. This is ridiculous. If Kerry criticism was coherent, it could be taken more seriously. He served in the military. He can probably handle weapons none of us here have ever seen. There is probably precious little y’all know about weapons that he does not.

  5. Kerry is caught in another lie…his campaign released this statement to rebut the criticism of his gun record:

    John Kerry’s opponents are worried because he’s the first Democratic candidate to support Second Amendment gun rights and to be an avid hunter.

    Funny, but the NRA begs to differ, and they should be considered the standard for evaluation of candidates as to whether they really do support Second Amendment gun rights.
    On the NRA website there is an article titled:

    Kerry’s voting record makes him the most anti-gun Presidential nominee in United States history

    Here’s the URL for a dissection of Kerry’s record on gun rights:

    Geez…does Kerry think we are dumb or what? He must not realize we can read and do a little research…

  6. Now according to Drudge the Kerry campaign is stating “John Kerry’s opponents are worried because he’s the first Democratic candidate to support Second Amendment gun rights and to be an avid hunter.”

    Yet the NRA, which must be considered a standard of sorts in evaluation of candidates and whether they are pro-gun or not, has on its website “Kerry’s voting record makes him the most anti-gun Presidential nominee in United States history.”

    So it appears the Kerry campaign is once again being creative with the facts.

    Does Kerry think we are all stupid? Doesn’t he realize we can read and do a little research?

  7. This is ridiculous. If Kerry criticism was coherent, it could be taken more seriously. He served in the military. He can probably handle weapons none of us here have ever seen. There is probably precious little y’all know about weapons that he does not.

    Apparently he dropped out of gun safety then…

    …come to think of it, that does explain his Purple Hearts (at least one of which came from an incident of firing off an M203 too close to himself).

    In any event, every gun range and gun safety class mandates the use of ear and eye protection (and I’m damn surprised that the Secret Service let him pull something like this), and the gun he’s shooting (a Beretta A300 semiauto shotgun) would be banned under a bill he himself co-sponsored.

    If he’s trying to show gun owners that he knows jack about guns, he failed.

  8. G’money actually makes our case against Kerry even stronger…Kerry clearly doesn’t know jack about using guns now…and this is even more surprising given his military background…it does make one wonder exactly how proficient with guns Kerry was as a soldier, and it also serves to remind us of how long ago that time was…

  9. Kerry is such a failure on security!!! He shoots without protection!! Bush instead does everything with great care now that he knows what a pretzel can do to you!! Bush rules on security issues!

    I think this picture looks still better than the one where Bush forgets to remove the protections on the googles he’s looking through!! Or that one where he is reading with a kid with his book turned upside down, which he really doesn’t notice!! (if you want the pictures, just ask for it).

    Finally, Kerry should be jailed for shooting without protection: this clearly shows how Kerry is just a renegate, with no repsect for law and order whatsoever. The context of the picture (which is unknown to any of us) doesn’t matter, one should never shoot without protection!

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