8 thoughts on “Media Bias 101

  1. Jay,

    I very much like your petit bourgeois attitude. Except bourgeois just can’t apply to US standards: too uneducated, too ignorant, too unsophisticated.

    Aux autres,

    Ce type est l’archétype de ce que Marguerite Yourcenar redoutait tant: la bêtise crasse érigée au rang de norme autophage.

    Vous francophones, quelle que soient vos nationalités, je vous pose une question car j’avoue qu d’y penser me colle la migraine: doit-on répondre à ce pauvre type ou est-ce superflu?

  2. I would say it is our duty to answer him. we definitely have to keep the debate and the discussion alive to prevent the extreme to happen.
    Honnestly, I know jay isn’t meaning to do any harm, but something( like a trauma from 9/11, or a certain view) is blinding him. the circle of violence.
    like most americans, he cannot imagine that not everyone thinks the same, and that differences are not something to eradicate, but to value.

  3. Unfortunately most of Europe (with the exception of individuals of courage and vision like Lech Walesa of Poland and Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic and Prime Minister Blair of the UK) does not understand the current situation this world is in.

    You cannot compromise with a person like Osama bin Laden any more than one could compromise with a Hitler or a Stalin. The Islamist ideology is one in which women must be absolutely subjugated and free thought and action must be suppressed. They want to place the entire world under shari’a. Their intense hatred for Israel and the United States is because they are the only two powers that are significantly standing in the way of that goal.

    One would think that Europe would learn from its own history. Fifty years ago traitors like Quisling, Pétain, and Chamberlain submitted to the will of Hitler and ensured that the Nazi military machne was unchallenged while Hitler systematically murdered millions.

    Now Pétain has been replaced with ChIrak as the latest collabo to set France on the side of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and gross violations of human rights.

    Standing on ones hands with confronted with evil is not a moral action. It is the action of the coward. Collaborating with regimes like that of Saddam Hussein is not a moral action, it is an action of evil. Talking about free trade in one breath while closing European markets to African nations desperate for trade is not moral, it is profoundly selfish.

    You are being lied to by your leaders, your loyalty is being bought by the bread and circuses of the public dole and your government is strangling your freedom day by day and telling you that America is the real enemy. Your people have been told that George W. Bush is a worse threat than Saddam Hussein and it is taken as gospel.

    Fifty years ago Europe went collectively insane in the name of fascism and Nazism. Now they are repeating history by falling to the cronyism and arrogance of the Tranzis.

    It is clear that Europe has failed to learn the lessons of its own past.

  4. “You cannot compromise with a person like Osama bin Laden any more than one could compromise with a Hitler or a Stalin”

    Yep. Go & sing that song to George Ben Laden or Oussama Ben Bush. You know, the two dynasties were so close…


    “One would think that Europe would learn from its own history”

    For Europe does have a history, she had learnt from the past. The question is: “Does the USA have any history at all?”. Things are more complicated than you may possibly conceive, Jay. Get over it.


    “Now Pétain has been replaced with ChIrak as the latest collabo to set France on the side of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and gross violations of human rights”

    You’d be perfect for a job role such as Le Pen’s Kapo n° 1. Your ignorance is breathtaking.


    “Collaborating with regimes like that of Saddam Hussein is not a moral action, it is an action of evil”

    And what about collaborating with a country who dropped two atomic bombs on civilians, who exterminated Amerindians, who enslaved millions of black people, who’s delivering “racial” grouping through the Census Bureau, who soaked Vietnamese with napalm, who set Dresde, Hambourg & Tokyo in flames (more dead than in Nagasaki & Hiroshima combined)?


    “You are being lied to by your leaders, your loyalty is being bought by the bread and circuses of the public dole and your government is strangling your freedom (…)”

    Replace “you” with “I”. Add “the appointment of Goerge The Second”, “FoxNews”, “oil corporate clique”, “hereditary presidence”, then you get your country.


    “Fifty years ago Europe went collectively insane in the name of fascism and Nazism”

    So did the USA as it was collaborating with the Hitler régime until Pearl Harbour was wiped out by the Japans.

  5. Again, the only response you have is to accuse the United States of every crime imaginable – which only proves my point.

    Anti-Americanism is ubiquitous, a direct consequence of America doing her duty, the resentment of followers, not leaders. To be sure, anti-Americanism is an ignoble and irrational emotion. Like anti-Semitism, which in some ways it has replaced, it is impervious to facts or logic.

    Paul Johnson

  6. Jay,

    I hope you realise you deny others the right to do what you are doing.

    On top of that, your weak advocay of the unvindicatable US behaviour is only ridiculous.


    It doesn’t mean I hate you or your people. It means your government is dangerous.


    Never before in modern history has
    a country dominated the earth so totally as the United States does today.
    America is now the Schwarzenegger of international politics: showing off muscles, obtrusive, intimidating.
    The Americans, in the absence of limits put to them by anybody or anything, act as if they own a kind of blank check in their McWorld.
    Der Spiegel, Germany’s leading newsmagazine, 1997

    The United States is good.
    We try to do our best everywhere.
    Madeleine Albright, 1999

    A world once divided into two armed camps
    now recognizes one sole and pre-eminent power, the United States of America. And they regard this with no dread. For the
    world trusts us with power, and the world is right. They trust us to be fair, and restrained. They trust us to be on the side of decency. They trust us to do what’s right.
    George Bush, 1992

    How can they have the arrogance to dictate to us where we should go or which countries should be our friends? Gadhafi is my friend. He supported us when we were alone and when those who tried to prevent my visit here today were our enemies. They have no morals. We
    cannot accept that a state assumes the role of the world’s policeman.
    Nelson Mandela, 1997

    When I came into office, I was determined
    that our country would go into the 21st century still the world’s greatest force for
    peace and freedom, for democracy and security
    and prosperity.
    Bill Clinton, 1996

    Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced,
    tortured, killed or “disappeared”, at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame.
    Amnesty International, 1996

  8. The end of NATO as a political entity and the ascendency of the Anglo Alliance and the European Alliance.

    The key features of each alliance? The members of the Anglo Alliance are similiar in their movements in opposition to their own people, in their continual movements to assault their citizen’s civil liberties and in their continual flouting of the United Nations Security Council. The other side, the European Alliance, share one major characteristic: they lived through the worst of World War II. They saw war, they don’t want to see war again.

    It is suggested that in addition to giving Turkey the military assistance it requires to defend itself against Iraq that we should “offer them NAFTA membership and a bilateral alliance.” I’ve never heard anything quite so ridiculous. Turkey is a military dictatorship masquerading as a democracy which implements Soviet-style cultural and lingual oppression of minority groups. We’ve already thrown them too much of a carrot by hanging the Kurds out to dry and allowing Turkey to occupy Iraqi Kurdistan during Gulf War Redux.

    The fact is that the United States of America has become a rogue state. We aren’t ignoring UN Security Council resolutions — largely because we have the power of veto in that body — but we are acting in opposition to the rest of the world. With a few exceptions — Anglo Alliance members all — the world is opposed to Gulf War Redux. On top of that we are supporting a country that repeatedly flouts UNSC resolutions (Israel) and supporting another that stands for almost everything we oppose (Turkey).

    We are enforcing an illegal no-fly zone over Iraq. We are violating United Nations human rights accords in the treatment of our own citizens. We are engaging in extrajudicial wartime assasinations and holding foreign nationals prisoner as “enemy combatants,” a category that does not exist in the international law of war.

    We are a rogue state, and the world is reforming itself into a new bipolar system. It is one pole against the other. And that other pole is looking quite large.


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