Some scattered recollections of DC… first of all, Oliver North is a fascinating speaker who really commands a room. He told some great anecdotes, talked about the possibility of a House run. (Not if he has to run against another Republican, BTW.) and other things. Ari Fleischer seemed somewhat haggard, which isn’t surprising considering that he had to field questions about Vice President Cheney’s health just a few scant minutes before. Karl Rove was interesting – he’s probably the greatest Republican strategist since Lee Attwater. I got to meet Rick Lazio, who was very funny and insightful, as well as listen to a fiery speech from David Horowitz. The Capital Hilton is a great hotel, a but pricey for a poor college student, but not bad for being a few blocks from the White House.

Unfortunately, I’ve misplaced a roll of film with several pictures I took in DC… hopefully I’ll recover it and be able to get some of those images back. The ones that did make it back will be scanned and posted both here and at the College Republicans page. Right now I’m recovering from a severe lack of sleep… a lot of projects I need to get into and my brain ain’t quite up to the task at the moment. I have to move tonight as well… nothing more fun than lifting a 62lb fridge up multiple flights of stairs to keep you entertained.