MLC 2001 Recap

Midwest Leadership Conference

Just got back from the 2001 Midwest Leadership Conference in Minneapolis. There were some fascinating speakers such as Vice President Cheney, Bush advisor Karl Rove, Fox News’ Sean Hannity, David Horowitz, Rich Galen (of the great site, and some other up-and-comers in the RNC. It was interesting to hear some of the many diverse voices that have risen up in American conservatism, as well as meet candidates like Brian Sullivan, Norm Coleman, Mark Kennedy, Gil Gutknecht, and others. The overall theme of the conference was "victory begins here". This slogan is appropriate, as the proposals and policies I heard were innovative, cost-effective, and better for the American people than the tax-and-spend policies of the Democrats.

Hopefully pictures will be up at the College Republicans site soon, along with the much-delayed Washington DC pictures…