More CSS Layout Trickery

One of the criticisms of using Cascading Style Sheets for web layouts (as this site does) is that there are some things that are easier to do with tables – or are they? A List Apart has a fascinating article on doing Practical CSS Layouts. It looks like development using CSS for page layouts is becoming better and better each day. The day when using complex blocks of TABLE tags for doing everything in a web site design is rapidly ending.

Of course, as always, there is a caveat to that. Those who are still browsing the web in 4.0 era browsers aren’t going to be in on the fun. The moral of the story, it’s time to move beyond crappy layouts built for 1996-era technology. Netscape 6.1 actually delivers on the promises of Netscape 6.0, which means that those still in the Dark Ages of the ungodly Netscape 4 should be rushing to upgrade. (Those who use Internet Explorer have enjoyed standards compliance for quite some time – perhaps one of the reasons why Microsoft has cleaned Netscape’s clock.)