Bill O’Reilly – The Journalist’s Journalist?!

Zev Chafets has an interesting article in the New York Daily News defending Bill O’Reilly’s merits as a serious journalist. He hits the nail on the head; O’Reilly is one of the few people who actually take the time to ask the tough questions. While he certainly leans to the right on many issues, Chafets also correctly points out that he’s hardly an ideological blowhard. O’Reilly is a man with principles that he sticks to, principles that are more in line with what journalists are supposed to do. O’Reilly is more the carrier of the journalist’s ideal than Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, or any of the other PR-spouting empty suits that fill the news, and that’s what makes him so good to watch. It’s also why the news media establishment can’t stand him…