More France Bashing

Yes, another scandal has occurred in the Miss France contest. This time, one of the contestants is bitter about being disqualified because she’s too short. Last yeat there was a stir over the charge that the winner was a male. (Which was disproven by "a close inspection" by pageant officials – lucky bastards!) The angry contestant, a Mme. Aurelie Brun has said that she intended to get her spine stretched to meet the height requirement before competition. (!) The other contestants who were expelled for shaving their legs and bathing could not be reached for comment.

It’s also been brought to my attention that I bash the French too much. That’s only because they’re such an easy target. However, if you are one who actually enjoys French culture, check out the film Amelie by the brilliant Jean-Pierre Jeunet. (Rent City of Lost Children as well – Jeunet is easily as good at dark fantasy as Tim Burton in that one.) It’s a brilliant little film, and the lead character played by Audrey Tautou is eerily reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn. It’s a real treat for those of us sick of wizards, orcs, and things blowing up.