American Heritage has a great article that traces beer as the all-American drink. They call it "the unchallenged drink of democracy". Well, maybe VodkaPundit might disagree, but I have to admit that there’s nothing better than a tall cold one (preferrably a tall Schell’s Maifest) on a hot day. (Or a cold day, or any day for that matter.)
What’s great about America is our freedom of choice, and with beer, we’ve got plenty of it. From my favorite Schell’s beer, made only a few miles away from me in New Ulm, MN, to Summit beers, made in St. Paul, there’s a beer for every taste. Sure, beers like Pilsner Urquell and Radagast (both great Czech beers) may be hard to beat, but when it comes to the sheer variety and experimentation of American brewers, we win hands down. Granted, Busch and Miller Lite dominate the American beer market, but they’re certainly not all that there is in this country.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time to crack open a cold one…