How Not To Run A Campaign

It looks like Wesley Clark’s campaign manager has resigned early in the race. Donnie Fowler quit because he believed that Clark’s campaign was ignoring the grass roots and being essentially run from Washington.

I agree with James Moore on this one: Clark’s campaign is starting to sputter. Instead of learning from frontrunner Howard Dean who has one of the most effective grass-roots organization I’ve ever seen, Clark is trying to run the campaign with an iron fist. One would think that a general would know better – then again, Clark was a piss-poor general.

I still see Clark as nothing more than an empty uniform, a tabula rasa the Democrats can hold up in the hopes that it will deflect criticism of their weakness on national security. However, if Clark continues this sort of behavior, his support will drop like a rock. In many ways, I can’t see Clark firing up a lot of Democrats. Clark may be playing the Democrat card, but that Lincoln Country Republican speech has got to be stuck in the back of many liberals minds. On the other hand, even though Howard Dean is a nutcase who’s running somewhere to the left of Ho Chi Minh (NOTE TO HUMOR-IMPAIRED LIBERALS – I’M BEING FACETIOUS), I can understand why he’s so popular with the left. He started the Bush-bashing phenomenon, he had his ground operation in place by the beginning of the year, and he’s emblematic of everything the left wants to be. It’s those reasons that I don’t see Wesley Clark derailing the Dean Express any time soon.

One thought on “How Not To Run A Campaign

  1. Before we throw barbs at the Dems regarding “their weekness on national security,” shouldn’t we take a long hard look at the fact that 9/11 happened on our watch? I fully supported President Bush in his bid to become president but I have to seriously question his ability keep this nation safe in the wake of his failed serch for the terrorists that brought historic destruction to our soil.

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