More Frivolous Suits

As much as it pains me to defend Atrios the threatened lawsuit against him is just crap. There’s a difference between rhetorically being called a “stalker” and actually being accused of physically stalking someone. Luskin might have a case against Krugman for accusing him of physical stalking, but there’s no reason to sue Atrios.

A lawsuit against Atrios would have a chilling effect on free speech. Free speech means that you have to put up with speech you don’t like unless that speech is causing direct harm. Quite frankly, no one gives a damn what a ravingly partisan substitute gym teacher from Philadelphia thinks except for his fellow raving moonbats – and suing him for it only gives him more ammunition. The suit should be dropped immediately and Luskin should issue a formal apology to Atrios.

3 thoughts on “More Frivolous Suits

  1. And I never thought I’d say this to a Reding post, but:


    (Now let’s you and I just forget this day ever happened.)

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