Mitch Berg has a brilliantly constructed response to Maureen Dowd’s disgusting slur against our coalition allies in The New York Times. It’s bad enough that effete latte liberals like Dowd insult our military, but insulting the foreign troops who are fighting and dying along with ours and their leaders who have put their futures on the line to support us is simply beyond the pale.
As Berg puts it:
So look at the list of nations with troops in Iraq. Check out the nations that have histories of reclaiming their liberties from brutal dictatorships – Romania, Bulgaria, Nicaragua, Spain, Lithuania, and on and on. Nations that have sacrificed enough blood for their own liberty to overflow the cocktail glasses at every Manhattan club that Maureen Dowd has ever closed down.
I thought it was Conservatives that were supposed to be ignorant, stupid and provincial?
Of course anyone who’s paid attention to the unbridled arrogance of the Park Avenue intelligentsia knows that they are far more arrogant, ignorant, and provincial in their attitudes than just about anyone one is likely to meet. Maureen Dowd is rapidly turning into the Paris Hilton of punditry, a spoiled rich girl who completely fails to understand life outside of her bubble of liberal privilege and false sense of noblesse oblige.
The Paris Hilton of punditry? Look, even y’all conservative types gotta agree that the award goes to Coulter for that one. Hell, she even embraces the emaciated blonde look.
Bet that “on-and-on” doesn’t include Uzbekistan, does it?