James Lileks has an absolutely inspired Bleat up today in which he excoriated both Patrick Stewart’s comments on space travel as well as John Kerry in one fell swoop. It’s an example of Lileks at his best, and absolutely required reading for the day.
Jay and James:
Wake up, nerds! Patrick Stewart plays a character called Jean-Luc Picard. He isn’t actuallyJean-Luc. It’s entirely possible to hold differing views. What, you think maybe James Earl Jones has to think that it’s a good idea to strangle people with his mind?
James’s entire argument is that, if a man plays a space captain on TV, he should think exactly the same way. I know you conservatives love to tell people how they should think, but this is ridiculous. It’s perfectly reasonable for PS to think space travel is a boondoggle. We’re all free to disagree, but Lilek’s should have a better reason to do so.
I know you liberals can’t bother to read or understand an argument before flapping your mouths about it, but had you read and understood Lileks’ argument, you’d see that his argument was much deeper than you’re bothering to acknowledge.
Now I understand why someone said that the probability of a blog having comments reaches zero over a long enough period of time…