Iraqis On The War

Iraq the Model has several good recent posts about Iraqi perspectives on the war. Unsurprisingly, they show a view of the war and the Iraqi people rarely presented in the world media. Ali has a simple and short message to anti-war partisans:


It doesn’t get more unequivocal than that. (This is actually the end to a long and well-written post about how Iraq has changed for the better since the end of the war.)

Ali also tackles the issue of WMDs and makes some persuasive arguments on the issue:

This is the same misunderstanding that was present before the war. Saddam thought/wanted the world to accept, that full cooperation demanded by the Security Council was opining all the doors, but this wasn’t what it meant. What was needed from him is to provide full evidence that he destroyed all his WMDs including providing full documented history and showing the inspectors the places, the remains if any and the way by which the WMDs were destroyed in addition to convincing the international community that he had stopped all the ongoing projects and that after the departure of the inspectors he would no longer consider re-building those and as he failed to do so- and it wasn’t at all expected from him to do it and taking in consideration his history with WMDs and his readiness to use them- the fact that the inspectors at that time found nothing worth mentioning regarding the WMDs, is far from being reassuring and on the contrary cannot but further increase the suspicions to near certainty. Something really effective and decisive was needed and it was done.

For all the uneducated Iraqis we keep hearing about, there’s at least one out there with more common sense and logic than most of the media and the Democratic establishment in this country.

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