The UN Says Iraq War "Unjustified"

Hans Blix, the former UN weapons hunter in Iraq is arguing that the war against Saddam Hussein was unjustified.

You want justification? How about this?


And don’t pass the line of bullshit that the US sold them the chemical weapons used against the Kurds. Iraq bought its weapons from the Soviet Union and the PRC – the US sold Iraq agricultural implements. Iraq’s chemical weapons factories have been linked our friends in Old Europe. The Federation of American Scientists has more on the real history of the Iraqi CW program.

If that weren’t enough, we know what happened after the first Gulf War:


Millions of Iraqis murdered in cold blood. And what was the reaction of the UN?

Helping feed Saddam Hussein’s tyranny.

If the documents recovered in Baghdad are any indication, the UN was engaged in literally blood for oil – the Iraqi people died while the criminals in the UN profited from their corrupt links to the Hussein regime.

What is unjustified that apoligists for tyranny are allowed to walk free and pretend to be the greater arbiters of international legality and morality. What is unjustified is that a weak-willed fool like Hans Blix is given press time the people who are trying to rebuild the nation of Iraq from the horrors of the Hussein regime are treated with disdain and disgust.

History will judge Dr. Blix with the other apologists for tyranny – the weak-willed people who stood by and did nothing in the face of evil. History will judge the justifications for the liberation of Iraq – not the appeasers at the UN.

UPDATE: Blix logic is tortured. Every world leader, especially in the age of terrorism, has the absolute obligation to protect their people from attack. We did not know if Saddam Hussein had WMDs or not – Dr. Blix’s predecessor Richard Butler and UNSCOM believed that there were significant stockpiles of WMD that had not been accounted for. Blix makes this patently ridiculous statement:

Blix, who recounts his search for weapons of mass destruction in his book “Disarming Iraq,” said the Bush administration tended “to say that anything that was unaccounted for existed, whether it was sarin or mustard gas or anthrax.”

You’re damn right they did – because that’s what a smart person would do. The contradiction of that argument is that the US should have trusted Saddam Hussein and just assumed he wasn’t stockpiling anything.

And if he was, millions of people could die.

If Blix thinks that’s a smart risk to take, he’s a complete idiot. No sane world leader would take the word of Saddam Hussein and simply assume that he had disarmed – especially after Blix himself said that Iraq wasn’t meeting the terms of Resolution 1441.

The deal with Iraq was clear: state exactly where those missing weapons went, or face war. They didn’t, and now they’re gone. The world is better off without them, no matter what the appeasers say.

2 thoughts on “The UN Says Iraq War "Unjustified"

  1. The American people are largely uninformed. President Bush needs to be on TV at least once a week giving detailed stories of how bad Saddam’s regime was. Chemical weapons or not, there was pleanty of justification to remove Saddam. The focus needs to be turned to the holocaust-type environment in Iraq. I think Bush could really raise his approval ratings and muster more support for the war if he would just spend more time informing America about what is going on.

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