You Can’t Buy A Clue With A Dayton’s Card

Powerline gives an apology for Sen. Dayton’s shameful performance today. All I can say is don’t blame me – I voted for Grams.

Sen. Dayton always struck me as someone who never expected to win, and wouldn’t have had the Grams campaign been a bit more on the ball and Sen. Grams son not sucked the wind out of his campaign. He has a permanent expression rather reminiscent of a lost puppy – except when he’s launching into an incoherent attack against Bush.

Dayton is an example of the kind of passive-agressive breed of Minnesota liberalism that always irked me – someone who presented the façade of being a level-headed and soft-spoken individual while championing a breed of arrogant and highly ideological limousine liberalism. Dayton doesn’t represent Minnesota Nice, he represents Minnesota Smug, and he’s one of the state’s most embarassing politicos – quite a feat given some of the real stinkers that have come from the North Star State.

One thought on “You Can’t Buy A Clue With A Dayton’s Card

  1. I guess you could blame me- I did vote for Dayton in the 2000 election. I met Rod Grams, and he came off as, to be blunt, a real asshole. Dayton didn’t give me any trouble.

    (To be fair though, I didn’t vote for the Dem in the congressional district I was in, after I got in an argument with her over gun control. My vote went to Foley, the Independence party candidate. I always like it when third party candidates manage to take over 20% of the vote.)

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