Stating The Obvious

President Bush is now saying that a Palestinian state by 2005 "isn’t realistic".

Well, duh.

A successful state needs the rule of law, civil society, financial transparency, and a certain amount of cultural cosmopolitanism.

By comparison, the Palestinian "Authority" is a state ruled by various militias and terrorist groups like Hamas and Hizb’Allah, its society has degenerated into a virtual death cult, it’s a financial black hole and one of the worst kleptocracies in the world, and the Palestinian people have been brainwashed since birth to hate the Jews, hate Western civilization, and told that the highest calling in life they can have is to kill as many Israelis as possible.

The last thing the world needs is another state that has been allowed to become a petri dish for terrorism – which is why until a sane Palestinian society develops, even the thought of an independent Palestinian state is hopelessly naive at best and dangerous at worst.

2 thoughts on “Stating The Obvious

  1. Your statement is not entirely true. You don’t get it. I hate terrorists. I hate all these militia groups. They make all Palestinians look bad. NOT ALL Palestinians want to blow themselves up. There are certain militia groups like the ones you stated. They are the crazy ones out there. What those militia groups believe does not speak for the belief of all Palestinians. No offense, but the one thing that I absolutely hate about conservative views on this issue is that they don’t ask themselves why is this happening? Why are there militia groups? Why do Arabs and Israelis fight? Palestinians do not hate Jews. Maybe the kids of those militia groups are brainwashed, but the majority of all Palestinians are not brainwashed to hate Jews. I have many Jewish friends. Now, if you ask me why I hate Israel, my answer would be that I do not hate the people, but, I hate their gov’t because it is totally corrupt. The U.S. gov’t knows it and the Israeli gov’t knows it. The only problem is that the U.S. would like to stay allies with Israel forever. If Israel does something wrong, the U.S. does not go and investigate and charge the Israeli gov’t for the violation of Int’l policies. They give the Israeli gov’t a “slap on the wrist” and tells them to stop doing what they are doing so to speak. This is absolutely not fair.

  2. I’d like to believe it, but there’s precious little evidence that says that the majority of Palestinians want peace with Israel. Time after time the Palestinian people call for the death of Jews.

    If the moderate Palestinians want peace they must stand up against those who would destroy any chance of it. If there is a Palestinian “Gandhi” out there somewhere, he (or she) needs to stand up.

    I wouldn’t be holding my breath for that any time soon.

    The fact is that Israel is not corrupt – at least not more so than most European nations. Sharon might be – but at the same time Sharon could be removed from office for corruption. Arafat won’t be called to account for his crimes agsinst the Palestinian people. Israel may have its flaws, but it deals with them. The Palestinians simply blame Israel for everything.

    The problem is that so many want to argue that Israel is just as bad as the PA when such an argument can only be supported through anti-Semitic allegations. Israel and Palestine are not equal – one is a democratic state that provides more civil rights to Arabs than any Arab state, and one is more a death cult than a nation. Until people start realizing this and trying to honestly fight the Palestinian’s all-consuming hatred of the Jews no progress can ever be made on this issue.

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