IBD/TIPP Poll: Bush Well Ahead

Another poll shows Bush well ahead of John Kerry – this time an Investor’s Business Daily/TIPP poll shows the President with a strong lead over Kerry. (The usual caveats about the utility of polling this early apply, etc…)

Not only does this poll show Bush’s approval ratings growing despite the Iraqi prison scandal, it shows that one out of every eight Democrats (12%) plan to vote for Bush.

I’m not entirely sure what to make of this – it could be a statistical outlier or an unrepresentative sample. However, if I were John Kerry, I’d be very worried about results like these. While it would seem that Bush hatred has united the Democrats, the same concept was held to be true with Howard Dean in January – yet his campaign collapsed in short order. Kerry faces the same problem – his campaign is less about voting for John Kerry and more about voting against Bush. This message works well with the hard-core Democratic base, but it tends to alienate moderate Democrats and swing voters – the part of the electorate that will decide this election.

Kerry has a lot of problems in terms of electoral baggage and overall shoddy campaigning – while this election is still likely to be very close, there’s always the potential that Bush could pull away with a much larger margin of victory than some would predict.

6 thoughts on “IBD/TIPP Poll: Bush Well Ahead

  1. This election would not even be close if it weren’t for the liberal media focusing so hard on trying to spin things against Bush and at the same time protecting Kerry.

    If the media every gave Bush and Kerry equal treatment, Bush would win in a landslide.

  2. Kerry is such a pathetic candidate: no personality; bland and boring; a far left voting record; weak and vacillating; and to top it off, a controversial history as antiwar protester.

    If the media ever gave Bush and Kerry equal treatment, Bush would win in a landslide and this would be no contest.

  3. Electing Kerry would be tantamount to national suicide.

    Is there any doubt who the terrorists want to win?

    A Kerry victory would result in terrorists and rogue leaders across the world rejoicing. That is truly scary.

  4. Jay, are you testing your Bushie Bot again? You really need to fix this repetition bug, or you’re going to run out of bandwidth in a hurry…

  5. I’m pretty sure I broke the comments script somehow. Fortunately I’m going to be moving to MT 3.0 the second it comes out… until then be aware that the preview function might not work quite right and you may have to use the back button to edit comments before posting.

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