
Captain’s Quarters links to a piece on the shameful treatment of the FDNY and NYPD by the September 11 Commission:

The former police and fire chiefs who were lionized after the World Trade Center attack came under harsh criticism Tuesday from the Sept. 11 commission, with one member saying the departments’ lack of cooperation was scandalous and “not worthy of the Boy Scouts.” Commission members, in New York for an emotional two-day hearing, focused on how leaders of the two departments failed to share information effectively in the early frantic moments after two hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center.

Former fire commissioner Thomas Von Essen and former police chief Bernard Kerik shot back with infuriated responses to commissioner John Lehman’s questions, the strongest of a series of pointed statements from the panel.

“I couldn’t disagree with you more strongly,” Von Essen replied. “I think it’s outrageous that you make a statement like that.” Outside the hearing, he called the questioning “despicable.”

Indeed that’s a good description of the idiotic grandstanding by members of the September 11 Commission. Rather than try to uncover potential lessons that can prevent another terrorist attack, the Commission is more interested in preening for the cameras. It’s a shameful display of naked partisanship and cheap armchair quarterbacking that has prevented the Commission from doing anything useful. The idea of public hearings was a mistake – anytime one combines politicians and cameras – especially in an election year – any chance of useful work is slim to none.

4 thoughts on “Despicable

  1. You know what I find to be despicable treatment of our nation’s firefighters and policemen?

    The way all their funding is going right over to Iraq thanks to this administration. Is this how we’re going to keep people safe from terror and crime? Taking cops off the street?

  2. We know the left’s answer to “keeping people safe from terrorism.” We saw it throughout the 90’s and we hear it now. Everyone stick your heads in the sand and hope for the best. Maybe after a catastrophic attack we’ll have enough emergency personnel to pick the bloody remains up and give them a proper burial.

  3. How the War on Terror and the removal of Saddam means less cops and fire fighters is beyond me. Maybe someone could explain how much federal money is actually being steered away from police and fire.

    And the 9/11 Commission is a pathetic joke. And the politicized families are as much a part of the problem as the posturing politicians. Holding up a sign that says “Liar” while former police and fire officials are testifying is rude, childish and idiotic. Great way to generate sympathy.

  4. Maybe someone could explain how much federal money is actually being steered away from police and fire.

    Well shit, James, where do you think that 200 billion dollars is going to come from? But if you don’t take my word for it, how about the word of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers:

    “IBPO endorsed candidate George Bush in the 2000 presidential race only to see him turn his back on America’s police officers as President. He has cut the COPS program in every one of his budgets and threatened the overtime pay of officers across the country.”

    I guess your math skills aren’t much better than the president’s. It is too much to ask for a president who can add?

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