Someone Needs His Thorazine

Al Gore is completely batshit insane.

Seriously, I have never seen a more shameful display of raw, disgusting partisanship in my life. This wasn’t a speech, it was a full rant, a tirade more befitting a tin-pot dictator than a former Senator and Vice President.

This is the face of the Democratic Party – spittle-flecked, red faced, and full of blind anger and outright hatred.

There’s no way in hell I would ever vote for any Democrat that doesn’t immediate and completely denounce this kind of crap. If a Republican had done this to FDR in World War II, they’d be run out of town on a rail. There’s dissent, there’s reasonable, argumentation. This was none of them.

Is this how Democrats want to represent themselves?

3 thoughts on “Someone Needs His Thorazine

  1. gore is a joke. a complete joke. if the democratic party isn’t distancing itself from this psycho (seriously), they are damaging themselves. he is an embarrassment to his state and his country.

  2. Gore’s rant was foolish and embarrassing. Even though most of what he said was accurate, it was nonetheless counterproductive…both for John Kerry and the country.

  3. “Even though most of what he said was accurate”

    Maybe you can detail some parts of the speech that were both accurate and also pertinent to any point he was trying to make.


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