The Wrong Message

Something about this rubs me the wrong way. Yes, Kerry was probably running around the jungle playing soldier, but he also was a real soldier as well. He did serve his country. End of story. We’ve already established on both sides that having served in the military is not a necessary qualification to public office, nor should it be.

The fact is there are many more relevant things that can be said about John Kerry – what he did when he returned from Vietnam. His horrible argument that the slaughter that occurred after the US pull-out would never happen. His abysmal record in the Senate. His being on the wrong side of history on the Cold War, the Gulf War, and his refusal to support the troops in Iraq with badly-needed money for gear, ammo, and supplies. His feckless foreign policy. His attempts to make up with the French despite the fact that the French have every interest in seeing this country fail. His patrician arrogance. Any of these things are far more relevant to this campaign than Kerry prancing around in the jungle 30 years ago.

Besides, while Bush served, and the talk about him being “AWOL” is partisan tripe, the fact is that he didn’t serve overseas. Neither did Vice President Cheney. As even John Derbyshire notes such arguments are beside the point.

Kerry is a veteran. He deserves thanks and recognition for his service. It doesn’t give him a free pass on what he did subsequently, nor should his service insulate him from criticism on his policies or their effects on this country. However, maligning his service is simply gratuitous and focuses on the past rather than on what this election should be about – winning the war on terrorism and keeping America strong.

11 thoughts on “The Wrong Message

  1. I think the point is that Kerry actually was crass enough to not only take a video camera to chronicle his exploits for later exploitation, but even to re-enact combat scenes!

    It just seems kind of gruesome and sick to re-enact combat scenes…not to mention potentially dangerous, to go back to a scene of combat just to take video.

  2. I don’t think it is a matter of denigrating Kerry’s service, but his self-serving mindset while in service…

    I’ve met war heroes and they are the exact opposite of Kerry…humble, and even preferring not to be designated as any sort of hero.

    So I don’t take anything away from Kerry’s service, but I do subtract points for the shameless way he tries to exploit that.

  3. I don’t think it is a matter of denigrating Kerry’s service, but his self-serving mindset while in service…

    Really? Like the time he took a shrapnel wound to the arm to save another man’s life? You feel that was “self-serving”?

    Or like the time he pursued a sniper deep into the forest to protect his men? Was that “self-serving”?

    AT, there’s just no reasoning with you. Your deep hatred of Kerry extends itself into every facet of your thinking and pollutes any constructive input you might have in this debate. Is there anything Kerry could do that you couldn’t find fault with? I doubt it, somehow.

  4. It’s interesting how many veterans are organizing against Kerry (such as the ones who wrote the book referenced in the linked article). It’s also interesting how polling shows Bush with a large lead over Kerry for the veterans vote.

    If Kerry were just your average soldier with a distinguished record, this would not be so.

    Of course, the main grievance most vets have against Kerry is the way he slandered them after the war and accused them of war crimes…and he accused them of systemic war crimes, not just isolated incidents…he was very clear about this.

    There are actually Vietnam vets who remember the North Vietnamese playing Kerry’s speeches to them as an instrument of psychological torture. And there are many vets who know that largely because of Kerry they were scorned once they return home, and suffered psychologically because of that. There are many therapists who can attest to that.

    No matter what Kerry did in Vietnam, his years as antiwar protester were disgraceful and destructive to vets. Let us also remember that Benedict Arnold was a war hero before he turned traitor.

  5. “His attempts to make up with the French despite the fact that the French have every interest in seeing this country fail.”

    Jay, I understand that you hate France for many (irrelevant?) reasons, but please don’t come up with stupidities such as saying that we actually wish the US to fail in every field (economic and military).

    We were not supportive for the war in Iraq. Big deal! That doesn’t mean we want the US to die!! As far as I know, no french politician has proposed to send Johnny Depp back to the US, or to call our white sliced bread any other name than “pain américain”!! No one has considered the US as an ennemy in France (as YOU did on this blog against France)!

    Moreover, even though we did not support this war, we have absolutely no interest in seeing the US fail: the iraqi border is a lot closer to France than to the US shores!

    “there are many vets who know that largely because of Kerry they were scorned once they return home, and suffered psychologically because of that”

    You mean these poor soldiers that raped and killed innocent civilians in Vietnam could not enjoy to be home again without any regret for what they did? Poor abusers…

    I hope the abusers in Abu Graïb will not suffer another “white knight” like Kerry, who will dare standing for human dignity against our beloved and irreprochable US soldiers.

  6. Mark writes “AT, according to CBS News tonight, Bush’s “large lead” among veterans has shrunk to six points.”

    Mark: first of all, that Kerry would be getting a bounce out of all of the convention and pre-convention buzz is no shock…but what is shocking is that Kerry would be trailing at all among veterans…

    I mean Kerry has staked his entire candidacy in essence on being a veteran…and even at his high point can’t get a majority of veterans to support him…if Kerry were only this great war hero the vets would support him overwhelmingly…imagine if McCain were running…

    The reality is that vets look at Kerry and also see a guy who came home from the war and betrayed them…who was absolutely instrumental in giving them a negative image that has cost them dearly…vets recognize that Kerry is no friend of theirs and that is why they still reject him…

  7. Vincent writes “You mean these poor soldiers that raped and killed innocent civilians in Vietnam could not enjoy to be home again without any regret for what they did? Poor abusers…”

    Response: Vincent, you obviously buy into the lie that most Vietnam soldiers committed war crimes, when in fact only a tiny percentage did (as in all wars, a small minority of combatants commit war crimes)…

    Also, if perhaps you knew any of the soldiers who have suffered psychologically because of the way they were branded in the public eye you might have some sympathy towards them…perhaps if you talked with some of the therapists who treated these people you would have better understanding…instead, you just fire off a cheap shot at an entire group of people who served honorably…

    Vincent, from your post you sound like you might be French…you write “Moreover, even though we did not support this war, we have absolutely no interest in seeing the US fail: the iraqi border is a lot closer to France than to the US shores!”
    I have nothing against you being French, but I will say that if you are French and that is your attitude towards US soldiers, that might help explain why Americans have some animosity towards the French these days…

  8. I never pretended that the whole US military did act like barbarians in Vietnam. Of course it was a tiny part of it! It’s not a reason to forgive this tiny group, and not talk aout it at all, sorry!

    I’m surprised you’ve never noticed before, but I’m (obviously) french.

    I have much compassion for the kids sent there for unfounded and illegitimate reasons. The real problem is not the US army, but the fact that it is guided by this particular administration. I hope they all could go back home safe after implementing a strong democracy in the ME, but I’m fearing this will not happen so smoothly.

  9. “..Like the time he took a shrapnel wound..”
    Yes we all know about those “wounds”. 😉 All 3 in such a short period of time and without any recuperation away from the field.
    Kerry, being an officer, was supposed to report those war crimes he witnessed when he described them before the congressional hearing. Why didn’t he? If he didn’t that would have made him a part of the cover up. That is if they really happened.
    Did he help cover them up? (Or worse took part in it)
    Or did he lie about it?

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