Ungodly Offspring

AOL has taken the brilliant Firefox Browser, used the worst build of it that was created, merged it with the horror that was IE and created a horribly misshapen software monstrosity.

Not since the god-awful RealPlayer have I seen a piece of software that breaks so many basic usability tenets at one time from crappy color choices to unreadable text to menus on the wrong side of the window. Just looking at it makes me slightly nauseous – not to mention the fact that they chose to embed IE in it as an option which negates the whole point of using Firefox for greater security.

I appreciate that AOL is trying to bring Firefox to the masses, and an AOL-branded Firefox browser would not be good for AOL but would help reduce the amount of worms and Trojans floating around, but this monstrosity just isn’t the way to do that. If this thing were born in the Netherlands they’d be trying to euthanize it.

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