Lying Liars Who Lie About “Lying Liars” And The Lies They Lie About

Al Franken is systematically distorting Brit Hume while simultaneously arguing that Brit Hume distorted FDR’s own statements.

If you’re going to accuse someone of “lying”, doing it by systematically distorting their words and not even linking back to the transcripts is hardly the best way of doing it. Then again, Al Franken has never cared a whit for being intellectually honest. He’s like Rush Limbaugh with far less talent and subtletly. The fact that he’s emerged as the new face of liberal talk radio is only emblematic of how bad liberal talk radio really is.

3 thoughts on “Lying Liars Who Lie About “Lying Liars” And The Lies They Lie About

  1. The problem is that Brit Hume is lying; FDR never planned to include private accounts in Social Security. They were to be individual efforts in addition to Social Security – in other words, exactly what we have now.

    And hey, isn’t that the rule now? When network execs say something that’s wrong, we call for their resignation? Oh, I forgot. We only do that when what they said contradicts the agenda of Republicans.

  2. Problem is that Al Franken is the liar. Read all the quotes, including Humes’ entire article (the one Franken curiously did not link to). And to compare this made-up controversy to Eason Jordan’s accusing American soldiers of murdering journalists is just silly.

  3. Read all the quotes, including Humes’ entire article (the one Franken curiously did not link to).

    I did. I saw Hume’s quote where he said that FDR proposed that private accounts be included in the SS program; I saw FDR’s actual statements where he said that private investments should be undertaken by private individuals in addition to their SS benefits.

    So Hume’s a liar. FDR didn’t say what he said he did. Seems pretty simple to me.

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