Gilligan Resigns

BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan has resigned in the wake of the Hutton Report. Gilligan was the reporter who wrote the report on Blair “sexing up” his Iraq dossier that was found to itself be based on entirely fabricated evidence.

The chickens have come home to roost for the BBC, and those responsible are finally being called to account for their actions. It is clear that the BBC’s culture of institutional arrogance led them to one of the world’s biggest journalism scandals. Parliament should rescind their charter and ensure that the British people aren’t forced to pay for such rubbish.

3 thoughts on “Gilligan Resigns

  1. this is a political judgment, not “the truth”. So only one way of thinking? it’s an order?
    I thought it was more of a soviet habit.
    “multilateralism” is also a good thing for journalism…

  2. No, it is the truth. If I write a story saying that you like to eat kittens, it wouldn’t be a “political judgement” it would be a lie. Gilligan’s story was a lie, and he lost his job because of it.

  3. Isn’t it interesting that it took a steadfast Ulsterman in Brian Hutton to clear up the mess the boys in mainland Britain made? Hutton is a veteran of the Northern Ireland justice system (including the diplock courts) and has had a long record for rendering the truth. We can safely say that his findings are solid.

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