What Wedding?

The supposed attack by US forces on an Iraqi "wedding party" has turned out to be anything but. Unless, of course, a typical Iraqi wedding has no food, gifts, musical instruments, but does involve large sums of cash, weapons, satellite phones, and terrorist training manuals…

9 thoughts on “What Wedding?

  1. In short, no.

    The footage was either taken in an entirely different time and place or staged. It makes absolutely no sense for a doctor in al-Ramadi, oer 250km away from the site of the attack to be treating the injured, when there’s a hospital over 170km closer to the site of the attack. The terrorist groups operating the region have every reason to lie to paint the US in the worst possible light, and given that what was found at the scene indicates it was a terrorist safehouse.

  2. The wedding story was just another round of BS made up by the terrorists.

    Unfortunately, the terrorists understand our left wing media better than we do. The media was so quick to jump all over this story…of couse, it painted the US in a negative light.

    The mainstream media simply cannot be trusted any longer. Period.

    We need another revolution (a peaceful one) in this country: agains the liberal media.

  3. This is the pattern of the media: report anything negative about the US in Iraq as boldly as possible…give it headline status…and play it up, even before verification of the facts.

    Then, when it is discredited, simply acknowledge that in a far more low key way.

    The media in this country is simply anti-American in its bias…they want to replay the 60’s and Vietnam…

  4. Every where I go, if CNN is playing on a TV in a public location, I ask that it be changed.

    If I am in a waiting room (such as at my Dentist) and notice they subscribe to a liberal rag like the NY Times or Wash Post, I speak to them about it and suggest they cancel their subscriptions.

    Try it…it often works. We must (in a peaceful way) stage a revolution against the liberal media…

  5. why don’t you guys just pile up and burn all the press you don’t like, including the reporters and their families?

    That would help, wouldn’t it?

  6. Well we could guillotine everyone in the country we deem “counterrevolutionary”. Perhaps starting a “Committee on Public Safety” would be in order?

    Snarkiness aside, the real way to deal with bias of the media is to simply turn it off. I don’t even bother watching the nightly network news, and haven’t for year. I know I’m not going to hear the full story any more. With the ratings decline they’re seeing, I’m one of millions who have done the same thing.

  7. The wedding story was just another round of BS made up by the terrorists.

    I wasn’t aware we considered a terrorist organization. (See, maybe if you guys read the news instead of retreating from it, you’d be prepared for these things.)

    Here are the parts you guys don’t seem to know about:

    “There was no evidence of a wedding: no decorations, no musical instruments found, no large quantities of food or leftover servings one would expect from a wedding celebration,” Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said Saturday. “There may have been some kind of celebration. Bad people have celebrations, too.”

    But video that APTN [Associated Press TV News] shot a day after the attack shows fragments of musical instruments, pots and pans and brightly colored beddings used for celebrations, scattered around the bombed out tent…

    An AP reporter and photographer, who interviewed more than a dozen survivors a day after the bombing, were able to identify many of them on the wedding party video — which runs for several hours.

    APTN also traveled to Mogr el-Deeb, 250 miles west of Ramadi, the day after the attack to film what the survivors said was the wedding site. A devastated building and remnants of the tent, pots and pans could be seen, along with bits of what appeared to be the remnants of ordnance, one of which bore the marking “ATU-35,” similar to those on U.S. bombs.

    The US bombed a wedding party, and is trying to cover it up. That’s the inescapable conclusion – unless you’re a conservative, I guess. Don’t you guys get tired of being wrong? Do you honestly think burying your heads in the sand is a mature way to approach the world’s problems?

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