The End Of Arafat?

Captain’s Quarters notes a very interesting report from Arab newspaper Al-Quds-al-Arabi on the future of Yassir Arafat. In essence the Egyptians have told Arafat that he can either stand aside and allow reforms to go forwards or they’ll let the Israelis deal with him.

The demands include uniting the Palestinian security services under one command rather than under Fatah and other terrorist organizations, allowing the Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei to negotiate with Israel on Sharon’s disengagement plan, and to step aside from direct control of the PA.

I have my doubts as to whether Arafat will ever do any of these things. However, given that his life is on the line, he just may read the writing on the wall. In any event, the Egyptians are starting to realize that so long as Arafat is in power, there will be no peace. Once Arafat is gone, peace may remain elusive, but one of the biggest impediments to a reasonable settlement may finally be gone.

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