The Palestinian Civil War Begins

It appears that the recent outbreak of violence across Gaza is the sign of the Palestinian civil war which has largely been going on under the radar finally breaking out into large-scale violence. (I had made this prediction several months ago)

It is clear that Arafat has had absolutely no interest in anything that diminishes his own personal power. His autocratic leadership has brought the Gaza and West Bank into bloody civil war, a war that will only have a chance at ending when he is removed from power or killed. Arafat is the single biggest obstacle to Palestinian security and independence, and so long as he remains in power he will continue to try and manipulate everything to his advantage. Right now no one knows who is in control of what, or if anyone is really in control. Thanks to years of autocracy and terrorism, the Palestinians are watching what little remains of their society fly apart.

The Palestinians have a choice: reject terrorism, end Arafat’s cronyism, and join with the community of free nations, or continue to embrace terrorism and watch as their society crumbles into dust. The Palestinians say they want an independent state – now is their chance to finally put themselves on the path towards that goal. The decisions they make now will decide their future – they must choose to reject terror, or the violence will only grow worse.

2 thoughts on “The Palestinian Civil War Begins

  1. It is amazing how the strong tactics taken by Israel are working. It is amazing how when good is strong over evil that is what brings peace.

    It is great that Pres Bush has been Israel’s greatest friend.

    It is also very revealing that this terrorist thug Arafat was the most frequent visitor to the Clinton White House. What a difference.

  2. Could also be partly that, since Saddam was removed and UN’s Oil for Food farce was uncovered, a good deal of financial support of Palestinian terrorist groups dried up, and maybe their leaders are acting out in a sense of urgency or impending defeat. Hopefully another domino effect of the Iraq war strategy.

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