Sentence Of The Day

This article from Laurence Simon on
the latest round of IDF actions in Jenin
has one of the best descriptions of the inner workings of Reuters that I’ve ever seen:

Sometimes I wonder if the people in the Reuters office in Jerusalem aren’t smoking crack while taking peyote buttons and injecting themselves with a cocktail of heroin and Windex.

Possibly, but I’d imagine that they’re too busy licking the blood from Yassir Arafat’s boots to be into serious drug use…


While my immune system surrenders French-like to an oncoming wave of some random and nasty ailment go check out James Lileks. It’s strange reading his evocative descriptions of a neighborhood you drive down every once in a while yourself. He even mentions one of my favorite places in the Cities, Dreamhaven Books…

RIP Stephen Ambrose

Historian Stephen Ambrose, author of such great historical works as Undaunted Courage and Band of Brothers has passed away at age 66. He had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer this spring.

He was working a book tentatively called A Love Song To America, a book that would have explored how he went from a left-wing demonstrator to one of America’s most prolific and popular military historians.

Mr. Ambrose introduced my generation to the story of those who sacrificed everything for freedom. The stories he told contained lessons that we all need to learn and understand. His works brought the story of the Greatest Generation into a focus that allowed those of us who stood on the shoulders of those great men and women to know what they went through in that dark time.

He will be missed…

Spiffy New Stuff

The new version of Movable Type has a feature that detects the Trackback addresses for any links in an entry and automatically pings that site. Which means that all someone has to do is turn the feature on and link to one of my articles and MT will automatically detect the Trackback address and send the ping when the entry is published. This feature is absolutely brilliant, and hopefully many MT sites will use it so that Trackback becomes a more often-used feature…