One Week Later…

It’s been one long week after the act of war that occurred at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the fields of rural Pennsylvania. Each morning, I wake up and immediate go to in the hopes that the United States has begun military action against these monsters. Perhaps the Bush administration is merely being judicious in its approach, but each day gives Osama bin Laden and his scum more time to escape. We need to take action, and Europe, the UN, and the "moderate" Arab nations that quietly support bin Laden and his ilk be damned. As National Review’s Victor Davis Hanson notes, this is a war that could decide the future of America itself.

Meanwhile, the ever brilliant Tom Clancy explains how our gutting of the Central Intelligence Agency helped the terrorists in their attacks. The eight years of the Clinton administration saw a massive evisceration of our nation’s human intelligence facilities and tools. No spy planes could have detected this tragedy, no satellites could warn us. Only people on the ground, in or near these groups have the ability to prevent terrorist acts. One of the first priorities of the Bush administration should be to restore our human intelligence capabilities.