Brendan O’Neill has a piece
with some very pointed criticisms of blogging. Some of his criticisms are on target, and he gives five basic tips for better blogging.
Those five points are good ones for any kind of writing. Blogging is a literary art, and the best bloggers are almost universally the best writers. Things like typos, grammatical mistakes, and bad usage stand out. Granted, with the stream-of-consciousness style of blogging, some mistakes will get through. Still,
every blogger should try to follow those five simple rules and constantly work to improve their writing style.
Good article. I’ll have to keep it in mind in case I ever start a blog. (Hmm… just found out the URL I’d want isn’t taken… now I just need to get broadband, a static IP, and a clue…)
I just use a hosting service for this site. They’re called Valuable Host ( and they have full hosting service with PHP/MySQL/Perl for $15 per quarter, or about $5 a month. The service has been excellent, and while it’s not quite as fun as having your own server, it’s cheaper and more reliable.
Hmm… good deal. If I don’t get a new computer before this winter, I might just consider using their service. Thanks for the reference.