Here’s a site that shows the world what Europeans really think of each other. The article that explains it is even more blunt:
The Europeans have turned against America in the War On Terror. They believe that Americans don’t understand a thing about the world. That Americans are ignorant, shallow and drunk with military might. In such a people’s hands, all that weaponry and the willingness to use it poses a greater danger to the world, or more specifically to Europe, than even Osama bin Laden. America’s handling of Iraq is a perfect example. "We Europeans have a profound understanding of the local people," they say."You Americans don’t even know where Iraq is located on a map."
Thus think the Europeans.
Should America, and the rest of the world, listen? What is Europe’s lesson to humanity? What example have they set for the rest of us?
To answer this question, we at the eXile have decided to let ze Europeans speak for themselves. A sort of "Europe on Europe" primer. Nothing could better test the European sense of profound inter-ethnic understanding than studying how Europeans view their very own European neighbors.
And when you do that, you find something incredible: Bigotry and hatred are the bread and water of European life. This isn’t a vague, impersonal hatred; rather, it’s a profoundly evolved, carefully tailored hatred, a SMART Hatred if you will, tailored as tightly as a Swiss banker’s shirt towards the village over the hill, where your bosom enemies live.