15 thoughts on “Liberate Iraq Signs

  1. I want to post on my yard to show others in our area to support our troops who might have to give there lives for our freedom!

  2. I would like to pick up at least 2 Liberate Iraq signs for my home as we live on a very busy corner. Where do I go to get them? I am prior military and on behalf of myself and my family I wish to show our continued support of the men and women serving this country and their familys.
    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I know you probably get this a lot but i really want a liberate iraq sign. My neighbor who has a son in the 4th marine division would really like one to show support to the men and women serving our country. I would appreciate if i could maybe get two.

  4. I would like to get a sign as well. My brother is a lieutenant in the 101 Airbore and I would like to show my support with a large sign, instead of a little homemade sign.

  5. I am part of the coalition air forces currently engaged in the SW Asia Area of Responsibility. My crew and I took some group photos yesterday in Baghdad holding an American Flag and the Liberate Iraq sign. I cannot access the yahoo group LiberateIraq due to contstraints on our computer system where we are located. Could someone please forward me an email address of where I could email the pics?

    John Adams
    MN Air Force Reserve, “Flying Vikings”

  6. Jay – Do you / could you make Ten Commandment signs? It seems that one answer to the problem of tyrannical judges ripping down Ten-Comms is for everybody not on public property to display the 10 Comms. I’d love to post them in my yard.


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