Al-Qaeda’s Diminishing Threat

An expert on the al-Qaeda terrorist network recently told NYPD officials that the chance of a Qaeda attack on the United States is slim. The public awareness of al-Qaeda and the capture of such key operatives such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammad have left the al-Qaeda network in a state of disarray.

But Mr. Gunaratna, a research fellow at the Center for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland, contended that increased information flowing from intelligence agencies and the F.B.I. to the Police Department combined with greater public awareness had made it more difficult for Al Qaeda to launch an attack in New York, officials at the larger meeting said.

He also said that he thought large attacks in the United States anytime soon were unlikely, and that the arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed on Saturday in Pakistan was a significant setback for the terrorists.

Remember that when someone tries to argue that the Bush Administration isn’t winning the war on terrorism.

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