Sir Denis Thatcher Dead

Sir Denis Thatcher, the husband of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher passed away in a London hospital yesterday at the age of 88.

Sir Denis was a brave soldier, a sucessful businessman, and an unfailing aid to his wife, and a national treasure for the English people. He will be missed, both in the UK and across the pond as well.

UPDATE: John O’Sullivan has a wondeful eulogy of Sir Thatcher in NRO.

2 thoughts on “Sir Denis Thatcher Dead

  1. Just to the English people Jay?.. I am sure the Scots, Welsh, and a small minority of Northern Irish people valued him as well (of course most Northern Irish people hate Thatcher because of the Anglo-Irish Agreement). But you are right Thatcher and her Husband were brave and effective politicians. Ashame the current white flag waving leadership of Blair lacks the class of the past Thatcher administration.

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