Bravo Berlusconi

Michael Ledeen has a good piece on newly appointed EU President Silvio Berlusconi who is taking flak from critics of his center-right, pro-US, pro-economic freedom policies. Berlusconi’s Presidency will be a breath of fresh air for the EU which has suffered under the same series of dreary and unimaginative leaders for years.

Berlusconi’s tax-amnesty policies reversed a long tradition of capital flight from Italy and brought government revenues to a new high. He and his Forza Italia party have been invaluable allies to the United States and have assisted fully in combating international terrorism. Berlusconi is not only a savvy businessman, but he’s managed to bring that steady hand to the typically unsteady realm of Italian government. Berlusconi has led one of the most stable Italian governments in the post-World War II era, and that is a lasting testament to his leadership abilities. Leading the EU will be a much more difficult task for President Berlusconi, but he has already done much in his political career, and at least the EU has the right man for the job in office. Buona fortuna!

UPDATE: Then again, if Berlusconi pulls another shameful outburst like this his political future will be limited. Granted, the actions of the other members of the Parliament wasn’t much better, but Berlusconi’s remark is still inexcusable.

8 thoughts on “Bravo Berlusconi

  1. oh and by the way, the first speech of Berlusconi, today, in front of the european parliament was a real italian fiasco. Berlusconi was overwhelmed, and had some inappropriate answer as he was suggesting to a german eurodepute to play a role of cop for the nazis!!!
    for those who read french:,5987,3214–326273-,00.html

    “INSULTE AUX VALEURS FONDAMENTALES DE L’UNION”( is the title of the article; it means “insult to the fondametal values of the EU” -french is easy to learn isn’it?)

    What a good start!! I wouldn’t have expected that.
    you definitely should investigate better on the people you’re talking about. Forget your patriotic crap sometimes…the guy is insane.

  2. Berlusconi is a complete buffoon. No one who has ever heard him speak should be surprised by his comments in Strasbourg.

  3. Wow… hearing your of praise Berlusconi is rather frightening. This is a man who after all is notoriously corrupt. The case against him with regards to bribing judges is pretty strong. He recently passed an amnesty law so he could not be prosecuted while in office. He owns three television stations, a national newspaper, and a numerous magazines (no conflict of interest there). His cabinet includes staunch regionalist and anti-immigrant Umberto Bossi. Remember Bossi is the same man who wanted to take away Northern Italy to create Pandania just a few years back. If Italy needs a man with so much control of the media, coalitions with sepratists, constitutional changes to protect him from prosection to create a stable government.. then god help Italy. Berlusconi represents the worst and most unimaginative type of leader that Europe has to offer, and a few token words of support to the US should not be enough to blind our eyes to this man and his incompatence.

  4. Wow… hearing your of praise Berlusconi is rather frightening. This is a man who after all is notoriously corrupt. The case against him with regards to bribing judges is pretty strong. He recently passed an amnesty law so he could not be prosecuted while in office. He owns three television stations, a national newspaper, and a numerous magazines (no conflict of interest there). His cabinet includes staunch regionalist and anti-immigrant Umberto Bossi. Remember Bossi is the same man who wanted to take away Northern Italy to create Pandania just a few years back. If Italy needs a man with so much control of the media, coalitions with sepratists, constitutional changes to protect him from prosection to create a stable government.. then god help Italy. Berlusconi represents the worst and most unimaginative type of leader that Europe has to offer, and a few token words of support to the US should not be enough to blind our eyes to this man and his incompatence.

  5. “a few token words of support to the US should not be enough to blind our eyes to this man and his incompatence. ”

    I think that it depends how much you need some kind of support for your own policy…

    Mussolini was a great guy according to Hitler!!

  6. Thank You Jay Reding for Yr comments. It seams that most of people that have replied at Yr article don’t know ANYTHING about Berlusconi and Italy.
    After all they are the perfect example of the Left-wing propaganda against Berlusconi that is inspired directely by the Italian media.. fortunately they assure Berlusconi controls the media. The real thing is another one: the 85% of the Italian media are Leftiest. You should only watch the Italian TVs (even the Berlusconi’s one) to have an idea.

    Cheers from Italy.

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