The British Broadcasting Company is taking even more fire as a BBC reporter had dropped the bombshell that the BBC attempted to "mould her story" to corroborate their anti-war agenda.
Newsnight reporter Susan Watts today denounced the BBC’s "attempts to mould" her stories in what she believed was a "misguided strategy" to "corroborate" Andrew Gilligan’s controversial report on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.
In an extraordinary development at the Hutton inquiry today, Watts revealed she felt compelled to seek separate legal representation because of pressure from her BBC managers to reveal David Kelly as her main source in order to corroborate Gilligan’s story – a move she felt "was misguided and false".
It’s clear that the BBC, which is funded by mandatory licensing fees imposed on the British public, was pressuring its reporters to bend the facts to support their anti-war, anti-Blair agenda.
The BBC was misusing its position to deliberately undermine government policy, and acting like an unelected branch of the the British government. Such institutional arrogance is imcompatible with a democratic system, and the BBC deserves to lose its government funding for such unacceptable actions.