The government of Israel has declared "all-out war" on Hamas and suspended ties with the Palestinian Authority.
Exactly what took them so long?
The government of Israel has declared "all-out war" on Hamas and suspended ties with the Palestinian Authority.
Exactly what took them so long?
I can’t believe these last two posts. These two jokers are a product of the media, and nothing more. They bought the line from the Bush Administration talking about the size of Iraq and it being only a matter of time before the WMD’s are found. Stupid, ignorant, conservatives…..they can eat my asshole.
Iraq used WMD so they had them at one point. Our intelligence was bad here on the facts but Iraq had WMD and they used them on our fighting men and woman during the Gulf War and others. I only hope that if anything exists that it is found and destroyed before it gets into the hands of the terrorists, which it probably already has. Saddam would give it to them(the terrorits) to use on us without a doubt before he would order these materials destroyed. Now, Saddam is alive and slow and steady he is defeating us. Even if killing one soldier a day is his plan, eventually he will make a big impact which is what we are starting to see now. Al-Qaida is even smarter. They don’t react from emotion, they plan out their attacks to make a big impact and a statement. If Al-Qaida now has Iraq’s WMD which is my guess we are in trouble if we don’t catch them first. Right now they are wearing us out with false information, they have us on a wild goose chase trying to protect ourselves and just when we stop taking the warnings seriously they will hit us again. We need better intelligence and now! I say they either find Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein or they get fired, they either find the WMD they so eloquently layed out in their presentation to the world or they get fired. Shellee
Mid September is my prediction. I love how you people have the nerve to speak out about the WMD’s, but can’t spell them. Spell check poeple. I came to this website to get what you the American people with the trust for truth, knowledge, and porn are thinking. Well, I now know that not only cna’t you spell, but the sentence structure is horrible. Hooked on phonics works. About Saddam not having WMD’s, what about the 4,000 cruds? I suppose Brush also made that up? You bitch about the conservatives not finding weapons or having a plan to take over the world. Where is the concrete proof to back up your possitions? I don’t know about you. So far we have found mass graves, 27 burried MEGS, more documents. Look, it’s not gonna be easy. I mean we are looking in a place as big as California. And if you don’t think Saddam was evil, how many of millions of people dead does it take to declare a holocaust?
If they will, than they will find them with Papa Bush’s name on it, because he left some there.
The conservatives are so pathetic they can’t even think of anything creative to say! Wussies, why don’t you just have yourselves a little pity party and feel sorry for little Bushy. Larry Flynt can sense your weakness and he laughs at your pathetic minds every day! Who can logically make fun of Clinton? Must be one of those ignorant Republicans again! I cannot wait to stuff Bushy’s cornhole tight with WMD’s some day.
No there isnt never was. Bush is a idiot with nothing better to do. he scams everyone and thinks he is a good religious person. He lies and hes as bad as Saddam. I hope someone kicks his pussy ass whne the secret service are jerking off his dogs.
I don’t think there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I would not be surprised, however, is some “evidence” or rumor magically appears right around election time. Speaking of which, good luck to Larry. And, to the Republican loser, it’s supposed to be “you’re an idiot” not “your an idiot.” (Duh.)
Picture this….your children are on a bus ride for school. The roads are icy, and there is no visibility. You are at a red stop light next to the bus. You look into the bus at the driver, and realize it is Bush.
No, I don’t think junior is following in his daddy’s footsteps. He is out to lead the pack: 1. Most childrens limbs blown apart. 2. Most children who lose their daddy. 3. Most children’s fathers lose their jobs, jobs that buy groceries. 4. The most laughing stock country. 5. Most of the constitution burned. 6. Most resources wasted. 7. Most people have to work harder, some don’t.
Wow, it appears that the conservatives are at a loss for words! Maybe that is because the truth hurts. Weapons of mass destruction? Where they at Bushy? It looks like the Republican’s little war hasn’t quite accomplished the original objectives. Oh, and I’m sure all the soldiers are very appreciative of Bush’s leadership. Looks like junior is following in his daddy’s footsteps.
Exactly. Worthless chode republicans and religious freaks will never triumph over good. And republicans will never take over because they step on the poor to move up in the world. If republicans took over completely, who would be left to step on? WMD’s will never be found unless they are planted. It is the working poor and working lower income that pay for all the corporate subsidies and skanks like Bush.
Without outstanding citizens like Larry Flynt, we would have a bunch of hypocritical, worthless, stanky, corn-chode licking conservatives making all the decisions. Sorry guys, that’s why our fore-fathers established the Bill of Rights in the first place. Worthless people cannot and will not control society. The whole ‘holier than thou’ routine need to stop and all you pathetic whiners know who I’m talking about. If you don’t like freedom of speech, then get the hell out of the good USA! -Amen!
Nobody can stop freedom of speech, even the worthless Republicans! What are you pathetic little Bushy lovers gonna do when he can’t buy enough voters come election day? Maybe we should plant some WMD’s in Bush’s cornhole!
Larry Flynt is the best example of a person who stands up for the Bill of Rights. Thank you Larry.
Here is another quote we should all read”Can you say Bushy? Is Bushy a simile for worthless? I think so! Why don’t we drop Bush off in Iraq for a few weeks in the desert! He would then realize the impact he has made on our wonderful soldiers. Bushy could be the pit man for all the soldiers that have been sexually deprived for several months. ”
This is someone’s previous post but I think it is well put: Heh, here we go. Now the clows at CIA are admitting that they fed Junior and Blair with false information. Now this makes you wonder a little bit about this organization that used to be led by Senior. Here we have an Intelligence agency, who did not only let a president get shot during a parade, but also let commercial airliners fly in to several landmarks of the US of A. Efficient? Heh, I don’t think so. Possibly one of the most expensive intelligence services in the world, and they can not locate bin Ladin and Hussein? Or is it just so that they do not want to locate them? As far as I am concerned, the Secret Cervix and the CIA are just a bunch of buttholes spending 60% of their time trying to cover up all the stuff they fuck up in the remanining 40%. National security? Yeah, my ass…
Here’s a trick: if you have XP, put the web address of in your list of unapproved web sites. You have to go to the tools menu. It works. When the browser alerts you to the unapproved web site hit cancel. Then you can read this forum without getting censored. There are even better work-arounds…let me know if you still have problems. Free speech still lives!!
Bush is hopeless, and the only people who voted for him were stupid, rich, and religious dummies. He will never find WMD, unless his pentagon friends help him out by planting the evidence. Larry Flynt rules !!
What is: Why does this so-called AdultFriendFinder pop up whenever this forum homepage is opened? Anyone know why this is happening and/or how to bring it to an end?
You say Larry has no humanity and faith? As if having “faith” is worth anything. You are just another incompetent mindless drone republican who talk of values but support our murderous basterd administration. Larry is a hell of a lot more intelligent than you and would be a great governor. He supports freedom; I doubt you understand the meaning of true freedom and free speech. You say he has “no faith”? Fuck you, you religious shit. Go get a scientific education, and throw your bible where it belongs, in the trash.
I have the same problem. Makes you wonder if free speech really exists anywhere….
What is: Why does this so-called AdultFriendFinder pop up whenever this forum homepage is opened? Anyone know why this is happening and/or how to bring it to an end?
I say let Larry spend all his blood money and waste it on a campaign for Gov of CA. It just proves how stupid Larry is. No one will listen to him anyway — he has no credability, no morales, no values, no humanity, no honesty, no faith.
Sorry, Larry, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is gonna whoop you unless you locate some weapons of mass destruction yourself.
So wait, when Larry becomes governor, will the republicans have another recall? I can’t imagine the republicans (openly) like him more than Davis. (In private we know they all wear women’s panties and support Larry)
Flynt for Governor of California. I am so decided on this vote. It’s eye opening to see how many people have filed papers to run for the governorship of California. During a “normal” election, we get at most 10. This shows clearly how big money and campaign laws are skewed to the benefit of the two major parties. While I completely oppose the recall as being a stupid right-wing stunt, I welcome it as the one small but realistic opportunity for the citizens of California to vote for someone who isn’t from either corrupt parties.
Larry Flynt your an idiot just because you won a court case on the grounds of freedom of speech, no one should forget that it was done on the exploitation of women that you kept hooked on drugs to get your way you scum bag!!!!!!! Don’t run for any political office what a joke save your money you will never win!
The police shot my stalker 7 times. Thank you.
I want to have sex with Larry Flint on top of Bill O’Reilly’s grave.
Bush is a completely worthless, religious, incompetent, southern cracker. Larry Flynt is a completely intelligent, caring, brilliant man. Larry for governor? That’s a start. Then I say LARRY FOR PRESIDENT!
Off topic: Let’s all support the next Governor of California: LARRY FLYNT.
Hey is there any scroggs out there?
If they don’t, they’ll plant some “evidence”
If there were WMD in Iraq, and could be ready and used against the United States, or sold to terrorist organizations, why haven’t we found them? They would have to be fairly accessible, right?
Off Topic but I’m voting Larry for governor of California! GO MAN GO!!!
unless cia or fbi or whoever else than iraqi source are depositing these “evidences” … they will NOT find anything
If the U.S. government has to provide the weapons themselves…they will be found in Iraq. Cheney wouldn’t want an anticlimactic ending to his warmongering campaign. Wonder where the next (target) I mean threat to National Security will lie other than in the amoral, mercenary mind of “the vice president” & his cronies starring Gov. Bush! FLYNT for GOVERNOR!!!
OF COURSE the U.S. will “find” WMDs in Iraq … just as soon as the lying, murderous bastards that make up this evil administration have finished planting them.
Bush is a fucking liar. He should be impeached for sending our young men and women to die for their profit.
I believe that the weapons will be found but Iraq is a big country. While trying to keep peace, our fine military has to also watch its back as it digs in the desert. All of these others posts are very un-tactful in the wording used. We need to make our military feel like they are needed. You are not working in Iraq. They are. And they probably want to be in this grand country instead. The WMDs are not the validation of war. They are a bonus. The validation is the fact that a very evil man was removed from power by the greatest military force in the world. Don’t focus on the bad, but the good that has come of this.
WMD will only be found whend the lying Bush Administration instructs someone (CIA perhaps) to plant them. There is already evidence that this could be happening due to the mysterious illness afflictin some of our soldiers stationed at the Baghdad airport. Bush should be impeached.
they would have done it by now
They will, most likely, it takes a while for the CIA to get an authentic underground weapon-hiding bunker together, though.
US media has now released the pictures of what supposedly are the sons of Saddam Hussein. This is the same media who screamed in disgust when the Iraqi media showed pictures of dead American soliders during the war. Go CNN !!!
Scrogg is in the air, can you feel it? Oh yes, I’m feelin’ ZESTY!!!!!! Bush could spunk on my face and I would lap it up. I would do this under normal circumstance anyway, but I would gladly do anything the way I feel now! YOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you say Bushy? Is Bushy a simile for worthless? I think so! Why don’t we drop Bush off in Iraq for a few weeks in the desert! He would then realize the impact he has made on our wonderful soldiers. Bushy could be the pit man for all the soldiers that have been sexually deprived for several months.
Bush is a completely worthless, religious, incompetent, southern cracker.
Bush’s stanky stump couldn’t penetrate a bag of feathers.
It is so re-assuring to see many people equally frustrated with our president and the current situation we are in. We are not alone in this matter and we must keep this in mind. Our voice can and will be heard if we handle ourselves in a professional manner. Although, it is still very amusing to call him a worthless skank-filled, chode-licking, Al Qaeda stroking, Iraqi swallowing, bumbling idiot! I don’t think I can sum up all the collective frustration enough to justify in words. Simply put: “BUSH IS WORTHLESS!” It is truely sad to see he still cannot be accountable for his own actions. Shame on you Bush, you even treat your intellingence agencies as scapegoats, just like Al Qaeda & Iraqis! Who’s next to blame?
Agreed. We are no safer now than before Bush was in office. In fact, we may be more vulnerable, because we has given terrorists more reason to hate us as a country. The only thing Bush has accomplished is to strip us of respect within the international community, take away our civil rights, and put us into a massive debt which will take years to pay off.
Mr Bush has made another attack upon America/Americans inevitable as he has polarised the issue into USA vs the world. His blundering heavy-handedness, complete with Christian propaganda, has ensured that extremists and terrorists will be seen as heroes by people who will wallow in despair, thereby looking for any injury to the USA as a source of comfort. Sad but true.
They never existed and there were no new weapons programmes as Mr Rumsfeld so succinctly stated the other day. The real criminal is not Bush but Blair, the Brit Poodle, who lied and cheated cos revenge for 9/11 would not have been an acceptable war aim over in the UK.
Where is little scrogg?
Bush is a liar, and a wimp.
All Bush is doing now, is trying to cover his ass! Blaming the CIA for his own speech? What a wimp. The chickenhawk was never in a real battle himself. Now he wants the United Nations involved, because our mission is facing some resistence. Before he said the United Nations risked irrelevence. We need a real leader, not some incompetenet lieing wimp who doesn’t take responsibility for his own speech.
If you look at the green party website, you can see a clear mission statement about what the Green party stands for. If you go to the GOP website, the only clear statement is “sound monetary policy.” Sound monetary policy? Look at the national debt created by Mr. Bush!!! I guess if Bush’s friends get rich then he is happy. The rest of us can be broke and endlessly paying on the national debt.
Oh yeah, and thanks for the national deb junior!
Bush is a liar, “we will find a weapons program”, nonsense. Bush is a LIAR!
Bush is a completely worthless, religious, incompetent, southern cracker.
After the camel dumps on Bushy’s face, then he could take a ‘Hot Carl’ on the camel’s face. Next, they could engage in anal ecstacy by doing 69 on eachother’s cornholes.
Bush is a completely worthless, religious, incompetent, southern cracker.
Bush is a completely worthless, religious, incompetant, southern cracker.
I would like to see a camel take a big dump on junior’s face.
Bush has no concept of budget management, he doesn’t care if we spend the rest of our lives paying on the national debt. All that matters to junior is that his friends get rich.
Wow, I hope Bush feels good about announcing the record-breaking numbers today! Good job Bushy, thanks for putting us back into a debt we’ll always remember you for. You are a chip off the old block. I imagine you make your pops very proud. Keep up the worthless work and I’m sure you will see good results during the next election polls. You’re so pathetic all I can do is laugh at your pathetic euro-trash views. All hail Bushy and thank him once more for the record he set today!
Yeah, the only intelligence existing in the Bush administration is their dog. However, I’m sure the dog is pretty worthless now after spending so much time with the incompetent Bushies! I think we should hook up a high pressure oil hose up to Bush’s flatulating cornhole and let it rip! Then, the CIA can have fun investigating the aftermath. They are use to this reactive strategy rather than a proactive approach anyway. Yoy!
Bush is a completely worthless, religious, incompetant, southern cracker.
Junior can sit on my face and buck, the worthless skank.
Heh, here we go. Now the clows at CIA are admitting that they fed Junior and Blair with false information. Now this makes you wonder a little bit about this organization that used to be led by Senior. Here we have an Intelligence agency, who did not only let a president get shot during a parade, but also let commercial airliners fly in to several landmarks of the US of A. Efficient? Heh, I don’t think so. Possibly one of the most expensive intelligence services in the world, and they can not locate bin Ladin and Hussein? Or is it just so that they do not want to locate them? As far as I am concerned, the Secret Cervix and the CIA are just a bunch of buttholes spending 60% of their time trying to cover up all the stuff they fuck up in the remanining 40%. National security? Yeah, my ass…
Very well said! Bush has made most Americans feel very ashamed and placed many people in dire situations. Why should we continue to tolerate the ignorant actions of our president? Freedom of speech is a perfect tool for humans to express their feelings! Since I am one of the crazy writers with so-called ‘disgusting images’ and ‘disturbing statements,’ one must wonder what possesses somebody to say such things. Simple Answer: for the reaction! Simple minds react to such behavior in a predictable fashion. Lesson: don’t diss what you don’t understand. If you are worthless and wanted to be treated as such, then just try getting into a word-battle with me and my homies! Extremism and creativity make life less serious and sometimes even remove us from the harsh realities of life. I hope this is the last serious message I have to write in this forum. Larry Flynt is the man and let’s give him the respect he deserves!
We are all victims of this year’s project budget deficit of 400 billion, the largest ever. And weapons of mass destruction will only be found if some of that budget is used to forge their existence.
To the reader who said to “GET SOME SHIT ON KARL ROVE.” Why is it that people who support President Bush (and now realize that they were wrong in doing so) blame his actions on his advisers? As President, I think the “buck must stop here.” As much as the dialogue below has angered you, it is definitive proof that the 1st amendment is still around (thanks in part to Larry Flynt). Regarding the dialogue that you are finding offensive, I think the writers have done well in presenting arguments/scenarios that defy reality, but clearly showed that some of the material that would be censored in any other location on the web, in magazines, and on the radio can still exist here on this page. Somehow a real meaningful political message seems encrypted beneath, and why would you want Larry Flynt to censor any material–isn’t that against the purpose of the postings? You consider those readers piece’s of crap? George Bush is responsible for the slaughter of thousands of innocents. Children, women, getting their limbs blown off. He is responsible; he is the commander in chief, and he is in charge of the military and made the decisions and is therefore responsible. Those readers must be able to express themself and have an outlet for their anger. Because of George Bush, our environment is getting worse. Our economy is in the gutter, and the rich are richer and the poor are poorer. People are ashamed of their own country, and the world is shaming us. Reading disgusting imaginations (put on paper) can be refreshing in the sense that it has shock value and goes against everything people would normally find acceptable. Because you don’t like what is written, doesn’t mean it should not be allowed to be written.
You and Karl Rove can both eat Bushy’s puckered cornhole! Quit your whining and just accept that both you and Bushy should be butt-brothers. Why do you continue to feel sorry for Bush, he’s completely worthless?!?! Get over it you pathetic Bush-lover.
GET SOME SHIT ON KARL ROVE, Get rid of theis piece of crap pulling all the string on Bushy
Glad to see all the creative juices flowing ….. finally!!!! I guess Bushy does have some interesting uses after all. His worthless skank should pinch off a puckered corn-chode on Julia Roberts’ face. Why you ask? Well, it is all quite simple. This kills two birds with one stone. Bush is a completely worthless, religious, incompetant, southern cracker and Julia Roberts is a feminist activist, flaming lesbian bitch, crack whore that thinks her cunt doesn’t reak!!! Why not humiliate them both and put them in bed together? Given, Bushy’s stanky stump couldn’t even penetrate a bag filled with feathers, the image would still be a beautiful sight. Somebody, please fill us in on the skeezy details about how this couple might get it on?
No, picture this. Have a major artery surgically re-routed to Bushy’s cornhole. Then pick a few prison inmates and have them go to town on Bushy’s corn. Then when the artery pops, Bush could lay upside down and have his father go down on his dirty cornhole.
Bush likes Bin Laden and Hussein…seriously. He likes them because it makes his tactics seem acceptable to the average ignorant religious or republican fuck.
No, you know what would be awesome? Is to see Hussein take a dump on Bush’s face, and then having Bin Laden give Bush a hot karl? Do you know what a karl is? It is where you put cerame wrap on somebody’s face and then take a hot poop on their face as they watch. Then Bin Laden could give Bush’s ass a good fucking while Bush just moaned a loved every second of it. Admit it, Bush is worthless skank! Bin Laden and Hussein bend Bush over and give him a good spanking. They are worthless skank too, though.
You guys should stick a carrot in your own ass and then feed it to little Bushy!
You still out there skank? Remember, a brown smile is a happy smile!!!
Or maybe use Bush for a dildo cleaner, stick a dildo in someone’s diarrea ass, and then put dildo in little Bushy’s mouth while he rode a Zebra up and down. And then take his bleeding cornhole and stitch it up until the pressure caused his diarrea to come out his nostrils. Bush is worthless skank!
A rank, diseased, pussy cornhole in Bushy’s face would make him pop a big terd.
Hey fellow scroggster, here is the skeeze? I was holding out and letting my scrogg energy build up…I think packing a skeleton in Tom Delay’s ass with him jerking off Bushy would make any mother proud.
Reading the below comments, I see that there are several patterns (themes) emerging. One is the possible alternative use for Bush. I think packing his cornhole tightly with cheese and then dipping chips would make my mother proud. How about a big fat dick in little Bushy’s ass? Or maybe a videotape with Bush fucking some donkey while jerking off his father? I would like to see Bush and his dad tag team Bush’s mother, and stick a carrot in her ass. It would be fun to jerk off on little Bushy’s face and then jerk him off.
I wish that Bin Laden & Hussein would just buck on Bush’s face! This way everyone would could stop wondering and enjoy the powerful statement. What is a happy smile? That’s right, a ‘brown smile’ is a happy smile!
Larry, can’t you go after Tom Delay. He must have some skeletons in his closet? he is an abomination!!!
Where is the skeeze? Need more scroggster’s before I’ll write anymore!
A better life always best answer! The little boy was pleased To see her He liked her Although of course He liked girls his age Younger, older They all were fun And interesting In many ways Yet many times Girls who are trying to Care for a younger Boy are frustrated About something With boys their age So he asked her What was wrong? On and on she went About the little boy How caring And important he was This only made him Wonder more about her To show more interest In her, he asked to Taste her After a short time He stopped What is wrong she said I really like you Yet I do not want To confuse The younger boys Older girls taste better Do not feel poorly he said You will get older And young girls are so funny Plus boys usually do not Talk to older girls Just coo like doves 🙂
Happy Friday scrogg fans! I agree with the comment below, Bush is definitely clueless and needs a roadmap to find his bedroom. Nobody has answered my previous question yet! I want to hear some creative ideas/uses for Bush. Even though it may be very difficult to think of, we must find alternative uses for his worthless skank. Maybe we could hook up an interesting trio with Michael Jackson, 20 kindergarten kids, and good old George W. Bush and Michael could then fight over the children and maybe junior would finally find some weapons of mass destruction! Oh, I almost forgot to include the mob of Al Quaeda and pro-Saddam people in on the action. Use your imagination and add on to this scenario if you can?
George Bush couldn’t find his way to the White House without help, much less any weapons of mass-destruction in a country, which location he couldn’t find on a map. It amazes me how this inbred bigot was able to become the president of the U.S. of A. The rest of the world is laughing at you, Junior, and we would all love to see you die in a bicycle-accident or choke on Seniors cock.
How many worthless BUSHY clones would it take to run the United States? This is a good question to ponder, since BUSHY is essentially a black-hole that sucks worth out of everyone. If you can think of any use for him, let me know! Well, maybe we could stuff a midget between Cheney and Bush’s cornholes and film a new twisted porno! This is about the only use that comes to mind. Does anyone else have any creative ideas? Sure, Bush has a tight cornhole just like any other southern biggot, but does that give him the authority to override our Constitution and congress roles in our government. Let’s unite together and make a firm statement about how much we would really love to pierce BUSHY’s puckered little cornhole! Who deserves the first shot to penetrate his bung?
Bush would hate licking anybody’s rectums, but you are right, since he is a RACIST, he would especially hate doing that. I would love it.
Again, my scrogg-brother always seems to amaze me. You make such a powerful statement when you refer to the skeezy Bush administration and their corrupt views to propagandize all the stupid and worthless people. At least there is still hope and potential leadership for our country! The corporate ‘corn-holes’ are continually choding everyone and buying off Bush’s obsession to rule the world! Can you say small-man syndrome? What is the answer to teaching this worthless pyle a lesson? Well, imagine this: little Bushy licking two-million wretched black guy’s rectums, and then Hussein bucking on his face for 12 hours until his face is covered with skid-marks! Yes, Bushy needs to learn his lesson. Another good torture would be to give him 10 blowjobs a day for a month and then suddenly leave him begging for more! Ha, ha, ha Bushy you would like that wouldn’t you. But guess what, you are too stupid and worthless to even know how to use your pathetic tool! Vote for the Green party and get rid of these smut-licking Republicans that some people call leaders. The only WMDs that will ever be found are located 12 inches up Bushy’s cornhole!
Wow, a fellow scroggster! At this site, I never would have guessed. I would like to relay to all the scrogg material out there that there is a big scrogg in town, and his name could be Bush if we aren’t careful. Yes, a carnivorous snack of aching cornhole, but where is the substance? I could imagine a skeezy circle of disease piddled wretched Bush administration sharing with IRAQ’s (in their delight), but my guess is if they had WMD they would have used them by now anyways. So don’t vote for a Bush skank, as the previous comment called worthless–they are actually quite harmful to their own right to be a worthless chode, and are useful to the greedy yearnings of corporate stank.
This one goes to all my little ‘yoy’ scroggs out there. Always remember that eating cornhole is good for your bunghole! In addition, don’t forget that a ‘brown smile’ is a ‘happy smile’ :). Little scroggsters are subconscieciously smiling while this message is being relayed worldwide. We must never forget that even though there are many toys out there, nothing compares to a fellow scrogg-boy! You better lick it before you screw it! George W. can eat my chode for two-hundred years and I still won’t get off! Screw the Bush govt. and all their worthless skank.
I agree. But people will always be greedy. Bush represents the greed in America, and represents the people who will do anything to others if it can help themselves. This will always be the case throughout history. We can survive with a dirty politician like Bush (assuming we have civil rights to protect us) But what makes him so dangerous is that he is destroying our civil liberties which help to protect us from greedy people. So the next “Bush” that comes into office can really do some even worse things. I think the good outnumber the greedy. But the problem is offset for the worse by religious people. If it weren’t for the religious who are voting for him, the greedy people wouldn’t have enough votes. Greedy (i.e. smart) + Religious (i.e. stupid or gullable) = Bush for president. Bush will stop at no end taking whatever he can from us because greed by nature never sleeps.
Before I comment I just wanted to thank Larry Flynt for having this feature on this web site. WMD do not exist in Iraq. But that does not mean that the U.S. won’t find WMD in Iraq. I wouldn’t be surprised if WMD suddenly showed up right around election time. Justifying Bush’s propaganda after all the critism he’s been taking about his real intentions (oil) for going to war. Bush is totally dirty and people know it Some actually like it – because it pays (but only for them, not the rest of us.) Not to steal a line or anythihg but we we just be “living out our lives” oblivious to what is really going on around us: A COMPLETE RAPE OF OUR FREEDOM, CIVIL LIBERTIES, AND THE AMERICAN DREAM.
Please read this and reply with comments. I want everybody to picture this….a gaping cornhole..and Bush sitting on your face just loving it. If WMD was nearby, wouldn’t you have used it by now if you were an IRAQI? Of course, becaused nobody wants Bush’s stanky crab infested corn bursting on their face. Therefore no WMD exists and Bush is just loving his pillaging of IRAQ..doing secret searches and testing out his gestapo tactics…aspiring to one day be dictator of America.
Bush said he did not believe in executions in Texas, he was just following the constitution of Texas, as President he signs the execution, there would be none without his signature, he can also pardon of course, I believe Laura new this before he took office (some believe being a monster makes a better world, yet here to feel sorry that they see natural beauty as something they can only partake in when they are justified for their power), and talked him into signing those later. I would like to hug him, he was taken advantage of with his good intentions, give him room, he has the power and time to submit a plan that everyone will see, do you?
Bush can sit on my face and buck. And just when he is about to go I’ll make him stop and he will HATE IT! That is what he deserves, that useless whore will chode his pants. The only thing he should do is stick my wretched, festering inverted cornhole on his face and leave skidmarks.
She thought about the boy How he loved the passionate Songs of the young men How the boy thought their Songs a tribute to the ages He lived, the calmness Peace and passion As he looked To the future So she began singing If he remembered her She would be trying To sing like an angel That she was beautiful Confident his memories Would have her sweet And tender voice So she went to see the boy Before she hardly Had a chance to speak He was holding her hand And singing sweetly And softly to her Terrified when she thought He was going to cry She asked him why I can only snowboard alone He said And she sang him lullabies Till he fell asleep And kissed his face So not to wake him
I took it as quite a blow That I never knew paradise And since been stealing the show You can get caught up in my Smile Yet do not tell me You have to work on something new Because at least there is Two of us not stealing Their view Romance not free unless Those girls have them by three
Scarcity as a weapon? To claim the abundance of basic needs as an ism, says that to have a scarcity no matter how slight of basic needs, would be needed to avoid the ism, since the scarcity is a decision for a reason, then the reason for the scarcity and the rules would need to be established.
A boy thinks of where he will go and what he will do when he gets there. A girl will be there when he arrives watching him so closely to imagine his thoughts along the way. And if even for a moment, in even a flash of startling arrogance to believe a shred of purpose is to be gained, that in her mind he encourages himself for even a second, for whatever reason, she will look back years, and be sure every night was cloudy, and in her dreams his smile may escape a yearning to a thought, loving advice can become riddled with reasons, affection confused with abandonment and treachery, because without even him there, she wanted him to be proud alone. So, she thinks of where he will go and why he will smile when he gets there. If to know nothing else, she would dream for him, just to be sure. Would she be mistaken to let him feed himself, would her kindness be mistaken for an answer, suddenly she needed to love him again. 🙂
Yes as soon as Bush can figure a way to smuggle them in!
You rule Mr Flynt! I admire you
The little boy was pleased To see her He liked her Although of course He liked girls his age Younger, older They all were fun And interesting In many ways Yet many times Girls who are trying to Care for a younger Boy are frustrated About something With boys their age So he asked her What was wrong? On and on she went About the little boy How caring And important he was This only made him Wonder more about her To show more interest In her, he asked to Taste her After a short time He stopped What is wrong she said I really like you Yet I do not want To confuse The younger boys Older girls taste better Do not feel poorly he said You will get older And young girls are so funny Plus boys usually do not Talk to older girls Just coo like doves 🙂
bush will send officers from the Los Angeles Police Department to plant theso-called “evidence” for him!
George W. could not find his own cock
George W. Bush sucks cock
daddys cia buddies will come through for little bush
In paradise with grace activities (snowboard, skateboard, etc.) ever so much highlighting, a boy can if they so wish gravitate toward a female world with themselves solitary there.
The only weapons of mass destruction that anyone may find in Iraq are the ones that were used by the Crusader Forces.
They might, after having planting them there to avoid embarrasment.
Support Peace !
Mr. K is a jerk !
no, but president bush will be sowing the seed of war, seed of war sowing the seed , the end of need the politic of greed.
Is it true Rosemary Church will be in Playboy Magazine ?
Support Peace ! No War !
The UN and The Arab League should administer Iraq !
War Should Be Outlawed !
you know, a website is not THAT expensive to create if you really feel like having your own forum!!