More Euro-Arrogance

Clifford D. May points out that Europe’s arrogant refusal to help in Iraq only hurts them in the long run. The fact that both Shroeder and Chirac rejected the US proposal before having even read it is telling of the kneejerk anti-Americanism of the Axis of Weasels.

The Europeans have shown that they are not to be trusted and they don’t care about the people of Iraq. President Bush can say that he went to the international community in good faith and was rejected out of hand by the Euroweasels. It’s difficult to paint such an arrogant rejection as anything other than more European unilateralism.

The fact is that Iraq is in far better shape than the media would have us believe. The militant attacks are not nearly as numerous as they once were, and US forces are continuing to arrest or kill terrorists behind the scenes as they have since the end of the war. US allies such as Poland and the Czech Republic have donated their forces towards securing Iraq, while America’s supposed "allies" are too busy shafting the Third World to help.

This sort of duplicity will not be forgotten, and if the Euroweasels think that Americans are going to be willing to forgive and forget, they’re mistaken.

9 thoughts on “More Euro-Arrogance

  1. “The fact that both Shroeder and Chirac rejected the US proposal before having even read it is telling of the kneejerk anti-Americanism of the Axis of Weasels.”

    First of all, both France and Germany made declarations BEFORE the U.S started drafting anything. The U.S didn’t take their sayings in consideration.Too bad for them. As for the “before even reading it”, this is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. Guess what, France and Germany are responsible, fairly successful, democratic nations, and any decision is subject to long discussions. It reminds me of the quote from Chirac during the UN crisis that Fox News was playing over and over, when he said “whatever their proposal is, we’re going to veto it”. This quote was just so wrong. It was a bad translation, and just part of a sentence. With a good video-editor, you can make someone say whatever you want. Let me assure you that a proposal of resolution in the UN is carefully scrutinized by hundreds of persons before any decision is taken. Pretend the opposite is a shameless lie.

    “The Europeans have shown that they are not to be trusted and they don’t care about the people of Iraq.”
    About 5% of the population of the earth agree with this sentence, but you can still say it if you like. From what I’ve seen on TV, Europeans were not the one dropping bombs on civilians.(“collateral damages” have names and lives)

    “President Bush can say that he went to the international community in good faith and was rejected out of hand by the Euroweasels.”

    Some people believe they actually ARE Jesus-Christ, in good faith. Nasty doctors reject it!!!

    “It’s difficult to paint such an arrogant rejection as anything other than more European unilateralism.”

    Last time I checked, unilateralism was a principle valued by the Bush Administration. This is a shame, but there is not a single topic on which Europeans all agree. This is quite a mistake to talk about european unilateralism, since it CANNOT be.

    “The fact is that Iraq is in far better shape than the media would have us believe. The militant attacks are not nearly as numerous as they once were, and US forces are continuing to arrest or kill terrorists behind the scenes as they have since the end of the war.”

    When you kill a terrorist, it automatically create 10 others (his 5 sons, 3 daughters, and 2 cousins). That tells you how the situation is improving. Notice that “US forces are killing people continuously since the end of the war”. Is it usual to score a lot of touchdown after the game is over?

    “US allies such as Poland and the Czech Republic have donated their forces towards securing Iraq, while America’s supposed “allies” are too busy shafting the Third World to help.”

    Poland and Czech military forces must be around 3000 soldiers. Sounds like offering a flower to the girl working at the flowershop.
    France’s forces were sunbathing in Africa? Just in case you didn’t knew it, we led 2 (successful) peace-keeping operations in the last 5 months.

    “This sort of duplicity will not be forgotten, and if the Euroweasels think that Americans are going to be willing to forgive and forget, they’re mistaken.”

    Don’t worry, this whole story will not be forgotten on any part of the world, and let me tell you that preparing an offensiv war in Germany get you to jail for (at least) 10 years. Wait until the International Court is set up, and we’ll see who wants to forget what.

  2. In the end, everything you’ve said is nothing but bluster. It’s the typical response from the Axis of Weasels – do what we say or you’ll be sorry.

    The US isn’t a signatory to the ICC. The US cannot be a signatory to the ICC because the Treaty of Rome would violate the United States Constitution. If Europe attempts to arrest any US personnel, you can believe that the repercussions will be swift and severe. Remember when Belgium tried to charge Gen. Tommy Franks with "war crimes" – there’s a good reason why those charges were very quickly dropped.

    The fact is that France and Germany don’t give a damn about the people of Iraq. The French government was all too happy to take the Iraq’s blood money while Saddam and his sons were raping, killing, and terrorizing the Iraqi people. Now suddenly the French are on the side of the Iraqis after a dozen years of Vichyism with Saddam? Trust me, we "simplistic" Americans know a pile of merde when we see it.

  3. It sure is a good thing America doesn’t look the other way and financially support a brutal, tyrannical regime in the Middle East in exchange for cheap oil, otherwise we might be considered hypocrites for suggesting that France and Germany were in bed with Hussein.

  4. “This sort of duplicity will not be forgotten, and if the Euroweasels think that Americans are going to be willing to forgive and forget, they’re mistaken.”

    How does this square with the fact that despite the fact that France and Germany betrayed us in the run up to the war, we are now going back to them and offering a piece of the rebuilding efforts?

  5. What we’re offering them is a token piece in exchange for the UN mandate that could get other countries like India helping out in Iraq. The fact that both France and Germany immediately rejected the deal shows that it certainly wasn’t giving them what they wanted.

    Again, if we were to start putting the UN in charge in any significant way, then we’d be screwing ourselves. However, I don’t see this latest UN resolution as being a major capitulation to the weasels.

  6. “The French government was all too happy to take the Iraq’s blood money while Saddam and his sons were raping, killing, and terrorizing the Iraqi people.”

    ???are you mistaking with Donald Rumsfeld or what?

  7. whatever Jay…
    stories like this one have happened all the time (IBM and the nazis for example). It would be worth saying IF the US never sold nothing to Saddam, which is far from being the case. Rumsfeld putted Saddam in charge.
    What it proves, is just that commercial exchange is not opening an authoritarian regime. You just proved wrong the US strategy with China.
    If you’re concerned about the people of the world that are suffering under dictatorship, then you should free China just after you’re done with Irak. That will be hard, but when a country has strong beliefs like you…it wasn’t for oil, was it?

  8. All these anti-european comments!

    Although costly in lives, you have to consider letting other nations have their own revolutions. Let them overthrow their tyrannical governments. Help them if you can, but don’t throw yor army at the problem and claim their ressources all in the name of democracy.

    A good example of a country going bad because someone else threw their army in the equation of democracy is – the US. The french should have never helped.

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