Germany To Help With Iraq Reconstruction

President Bush and German Chancellor Gerhardt Schroeder have agreed on a package of non-military aid to Iraq. While the Germans also want the US to quickly transition power to the Iraqis, they have indicated that will not prevent them from assisting the Iraqi people.

This is a perfectly acceptable position. No one in America particularly wants us to be in Iraq for longer than necessary, although we have to realistically consider that we will have to be there for some time. The German position is far more sensible than the French – they may have qualms about the war, but that will not prevent them from giving aid to the Iraqi people through the US provisional authority.

In the end, France’s bluster is going to end up being precisely that – France will likely abstain from the US’ upcoming UN resolution rather than push for a veto. The message from France has been that France is an ally of the United States, despite the fact that they reflexively go against US policy and constantly slander the US and its people in their media. The French are trying to have it both ways, something that’s hardly a sign of strength in negotiation.

In the end, Bush is going to walk away from the Security Council with at least UN help in non-military aid, a symbolic victory. Europe simply cannot and will not offer significant troop strength to make a difference, but a UN resolution will give political cover for India and Pakistan to send troops.

The situation in Iraq is being painted as a quagmire, but the situation is far more stable than the media would make it appear. Life is slowly getting back to normal, and the terrorists responsible for these attacks against coalition troops are finding the noose tighting around them.

The priority for Iraq is fixing the security situation by freeing coalition troops from simple peacekeeping to being able to hunt down and eliminate terrorists. More Iraqi police on the ground will accomplish that end and if the Germans are willing to assist in police training it will speed up this process.

Chancellor Schroeder has done the right thing by putting the needs of the Iraqi people above his own political interests. After his party losing two major regional elections, Schroeder has realized that anti-Americanism can only get so far. Let’s hope his neighbors follows his example.

3 thoughts on “Germany To Help With Iraq Reconstruction

  1. The German position is far more sensible than the French

    How ingenuous, Jay! There’s no difference between France & Germany. It’s all about tactics…

    The message from France has been that France is an ally of the United States, despite the fact that they reflexively go against US policy and constantly slander the US and its people in their media

    That was the best one!!! The French simply don’t care as much about the US as you do about France. There’s no anti-US revival in France. Certainly nothing ressembling the hysterical Francophobia entertained by FoxNews, CNN & the rest. France doesn’t need the US. She does what she wants; she doesn’t have to report to the US. Get over it once for good.

  2. Jay,

    You should grasp one thing: however delightful & funny Merde in France may look to you, this Francophobic site isn’t a reference. If you want to make a valid statement, try to do it on your own. You’re not convincing anyone with that kind of “material”.

    Your pattern seems to be endlessly preformated: single out alleged French flaws (anti-US, antisemitism, communism, islamic 5th column, backstabbing etc) & exploit it to the core to “have” your readership forget US actual flaws. This is silly & unefficient.

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