4 thoughts on “Michael Moore Is Full Of It

  1. I think that Moore and Limbaugh should do the “Fat Idiot Show”- a point/counterpoint style debate show in which they compete with each other with over-the-top bluster.

    I’d watch it religiously. 🙂

  2. I think that Moore and Limbaugh should do the “Fat Idiot Show”- a point/counterpoint style debate show in which they compete with each other with over-the-top bluster.

    I’m thinking pay-per-view cagematch myself… 🙂

  3. Moore may be too full of himself but I think he’s got some good points about liberals being too namby-pamby.

    Honestly the way Republican conservatives are on the ropes these days – Rush Limbaugh in rehab for precisely the thing he disparaged others for, a Republican in the White House who can’t finish a war, can’t fix the economy, and is doing more to expand the reach of government than any Dem ever did – all they need is one killing blow to topple their power. It’s too bad that the democratic candidates seem too wimpy to deliver the coup de grace.

    Liberals need a firebrand. We need to play the politics of anger, like Rush and Bill O’Reilly. (Did you hear how he blew up on NPR? Disgraceful!) Somebody with some attitude.

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