The Hill reports that Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg has found a stunning level of apathy towards the war on terrorism among Democratic voters:
The survey — sponsored by Democracy Corps, the group founded by Greenberg, James Carville and Robert Shrum — focused on Democrats who take part in the nominating process in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.
What Democracy Corps found was that Democrats, at least those who are most active in politics, simply don’t care about terrorism.
Just don’t care.
In one question, pollsters read a list of a dozen topics — education, taxes, big government, the environment, Social Security and Medicare, crime and illegal drugs, moral values, healthcare, the economy and jobs, fighting terrorism, homeland security, and the situation in Iraq — and asked, “Which concern worries you the most?”
In Iowa, 1 percent of those polled — 1 percent! — said they worried about fighting terrorism. It was dead last on the list.
Two percent said they worried about homeland security — next to last.
This is a stunning figure, as national polls have found that terrorism is still a very real issue, and could very well be the single most important issue of our time. It is clear that the Democrats have an active disdain for realistic solution on security issues – a position which is unacceptable in a time when those issues are of critical importance to the country.
I shouldn’t have to be pointing things this obvious out to you Jay…
What Democracy Corps found was that Democrats, at least those who are most active in politics, simply don’t care about terrorism.
“Which concern worries you the most?”
In case you missed it, the keyword here is MOST. I suppose we democrats are just awful human beings for caring about our economy and the mess we’ve made in Iraq.
Holy crap this guy you linked to is retarded. You must have missed this too as well:
Pollsters asked respondents which characteristics they believed would be most important in a candidate. While voters didn’t care about having a decorated war veteran as a candidate — sorry, Sen. Kerry and Gen. Clark — the one attribute they said is most important is that the candidate “has experience in foreign affairs, intelligence and national security.”
Combined with other results, that suggests Democrats want a leader who has the ability to fight terrorism but will not actually do it.
I’m not going to try and figure out how he deduced that from the survey.
Do yourself a favor Jay and never link to that guy again. Anyway, for those who are interested, the full survey report is here. Conspicuously absent from Mr. York’s moronic column; I wonder why…
You’ve made plenty of disgusting distortions of figures in your day, but you may have effectively hit bottom with this one. Ask anyone, regardless of party affiliation, what they’re MOST concerned about and I doubt any demographic would rise above 10 percent, simply because terrorism is an irregular event. Beyond that, it’s hard for a hog farmer or a John Deere plant worker in Iowa to see an act of terrorism in New York City as something MOST important to him. Plus, keep in mind that Democratic constituencies are those most likely to be suffering from the sluggish economy….and when you don’t have a job, everything else seems secondary. Perhaps these are misguided priorities, but who are you to judge?
I’m glad to see that Democrats for one have not swallowed Bush’s BS about terrorist boogymen. Honestly poverty kills more people in this country than terrorism does, so it’s only reasonable that it’s a greater priority than the occasional death from fundamentalist religion.
I understand that dems don’t want to get too involved in this war. If the war on terror is as efficient as he war on drugs, you’re all screwed!
I mean, seriously, with the possible exception of “moral values,” which one of those on the list is LEAST likely to cause the deaths of Americans? And you’re worried that it wasn’t the highest priority of respondents? I’d be more worried if it was.
Straw man, straw man, the Wizard has a brain for you….
That illustrates my point excellently.
“That illustrates my point excellently.”
(Sorry, but how often does someone make as stupid an argument as Jay just did? I just saw a tape of O’Reilly getting smacked down–that happens a lot these days–and I felt a little feisty.)