The Israeli government has submitted a resolution to the UN Security Council on Palestinian terrorist bombings:
The Israeli resolution, a copy of which was given to The Associated Press, calls for the protection of Israeli children victimized by Palestinian terrorism. It closely mirrors a similar draft submitted by Egypt last week highlighting the plight of Palestinian children affected by more than three years of bloody conflict in the region.
Israeli diplomats said they’d be happy if the General Assembly decided to drop the two drafts or adopt them both.
“The test will be if they pass the Palestinian one but not ours,” said deputy Israeli Ambassador Arye Meckel.
My money is on the UN failing that test. The UN has become an outlet for the Arab world to lend credence to rampant anti-Semitism, and the UN has condemn Israel repeatedly while doing little if anything to condemn the deplorable human rights conditions of the Arab world. That double standard is unlikely to disappear – the UN’s blatant double standard when it comes to Israel is simply too entrenched.
A poll of October in the EU (7515 persons)revealed that 59 % consider Israel as the greatest threat for the world peace.
Of course, israelis officials answered that it was a real shame that europeans and the european media could be so blind to the sufferings of the israelis. The EU is not going to answer, since no complaint was officialy raised.
But I will:
-as stated before, there are twice as much palestinians as israelis dying in this conflict.
-the israeli government is a far-right extrem one, and Sharon is in no way a peace lover.
-a law has just been passed saying that journalists must now be accredited by the “israeli FBI” to enter the country
-the israeli government is using real nazi methods such as numbering of prisonners with ink, destroying the house of a terrorist (which of course is turning the rest of the familly into “terrorists” if they weren’t before), mass arrestation in ghettos, control of journalists…
-israel is the only country in the region with nuclear weaponry eventhough they signed the non-proliferation protocol. This has never been declared in the UN.
-Israel is buidling a wall that is not in compliance with the border, which means they are stealing territories from their neighbour.
-Israel refuses a peace keeping force in the region
-whatever you say about them turn you instantly into an anti-semitic, which is pretty handy when you don’t want to face questions.(especially when you are european, and have to carry the weight of the only genocide that has ever happened)
For all these reasons, of course Israel is the greatest threat for the world peace. (Jews are not.) ISRAEL is.
It is time to topple this government before it’s to late.
Let’s go with the road map: oh wait, the only driver israel accepts is the US!
I’m really sorry Jay, I just realised that YOU were very dedicated to democracy but only when it was getting your way. Otherwise:
-Abusive posts will be deleted without warning
-This site is not your personal soapbox. Keep you comments short, to the point, and if you haven’t read the linked articles you must do so before commenting
-Failure to abide by these rules will result in a ban.
-If you do not agree to these rules, do not post here.
I thought maybe you could add:
-If you want to debate, you first have to agree with me
Considering the number of UN resolutions that Israel just flat-out ignores, I’m amazed they’re still seated in the General Assembly. If it weren’t for the UN being the diverse and inclusive body that it is and that you hate, Israel would have NO international recourse except the United States and, I say this as a Jew, I’m not willing to serve in the military to protect a government that is harming its people through its policies. Perhaps I’m wrong about this point, but as long as Israel continues to settle in areas where it is expressly forbidden by the UN and previous agreements, I will not support them. Likewise, as long as the Palestinian leadership fails to encourage nonviolent resistance and instead tolerates terrorism, I will not support them.
Far more Israeli non-combatants are being killed. Furthermore, as I already and repeatedly explained, Israel stops the vast majority of attacks that would have happened. The only reason Israel’s casualties aren’t higher is due to the IDF and their medical care system.
Sharon also met with Mahmoud Abbas, signed on to the road map, and has been willing to make significant concessions to the Palestinians. Those actions are hardly indicative of an extremist government.
This statement is simply false.
The part about Israelis numbering prisoners is an anti-Semitic lie. House destructions usually occur when there is a bomb lab in the house or the building is being used as a sniper position to fire on Israeli troops. The other two accusations are similarly propaganda.
Israel’s nuclear arsenal is also the only thing that prevents it from being completely obliterated by its neigbors who have already tried to do so in 1948, 1967, and 1973, and who continue to do so by proxy through their support of Palestinian terrorism.
The Green Line is not a border by any agreement of international law. The 1967 and 1973 cease-fire agreements brokered by the UN do not mandate that Israel must pull back to the 1967 border. The security wall is necessary to prevent Palestinian suicide attacks, and the areas which are being placed on the Israeli side are necessary to prevent the Palestinians from using their Qassam rockets and shelling Jewish cities on the other side.
They don’t need to. The IDF is doing well enough on their own.
Well, let’s examine your own comments. You accused the Israelis of Nazi tactics like numbering the arms of prisoners. That’s an anti-Semitic slur with no basis in truth. You believe Israel, the Middle East’s only democracy is the biggest threat to world peace regardless of the fact that such a contention is prima facie idiotic. Israel couldn’t project force beyond a few hundred kilometers, nor does it threaten any country that has not repeatedly attack it. At least when the Europeans say such things about the US there’s a kind of twisted logic to it.
Considering the kind of blatant anti-Semitism that is all too frequent in the European press, from illustrations of hook-nosed greedy Jews in Liberation and Le Monde, the blatant double-standard when it comes to Israel from the EU, and the way lies are accepted as facts by the European populace, I’d say that by and large anti-Semitism is alive and well in Europe.
Not even touching this one, except to say that Israel is far from allowing press liberty concerning occupied areas.
From the Israeli Government Press Office:
Furthermore, GPO Director Daniel Seaman today (Tuesday), 2.4.2002, advised, in writing, the Israeli bureau chiefs of CNN and NBC, whose correspondents are grossly violating OC Central Command’s order declaring Ramallah to be a closed military zone. Despite the fact that the foreign media knows that the Ramallah area is closed, CNN correspondent Michael Holmes and NBC correspondent Ashlie Banfield are broadcasting from the closed area, in violation of Israeli law.
No cameras or reporters allowed in Ramallah, when the news is in Ramallah, means that only those with mouthpieces in the media already (i.e. the extremes from both sides) get to have their views aired. I’m sure commentary from the people inside Ramallah would be enlightening, as would footage of how the area is being administered. This could easily clear up some of the “misconceptions” that you’ve discussed, Jay. Top it off, what does it say that the media is not being permitted to view what is quite possibly the most pertinent news story concerning the non-American aspects of the War on Terror?
There’s a reason why the Israelis don’t want the press in Ramallah – it’s a war zone. Already at least two cameramen have been shot in that area by stray fire from gun battles between the IDF and Palestinian terrorists. It is not safe for the media, and those who go there do at their own risk – and of course, when a reporter is shot the IDF is invariably blamed for it as well.
step by step? wow baby!!
-“The only reason Israel’s casualties aren’t higher is due to the IDF and their medical care system.”
or maybe because some are throwing STONES, and others ROCKETS?
“Sharon also met with Mahmoud Abbas, signed on to the road map, and has been willing to make significant concessions to the Palestinians”
Hitler met many pacifist european leaders, and gave great insurances to jews that nothing would happen in 1933…Can you remind ONE of the SIGNIFICANT concessions Sharon actually DID (not pretended he would eventually do). Remenber: significant!
“-Vincent: a law has just been passed saying that journalists must now be accredited by the “israeli FBI” to enter the country
Jay: This statement is simply false.”
want to practice your french?
-a law has just been passed saying that journalists must now be accredited by the “israeli FBI” to enter the country
This statement is simply false.
need to practice your french?,1-0@2-3218,36-340624,0.html
for non-french readers, this is the title of the article:
“Israël : la carte de presse soumise à l’approbation du Shin Beth” (trans: press card must be approved by the Shin Beth).
The original statement doesn’t look that false anymore.
“The part about Israelis numbering prisoners is an anti-Semitic lie.”
ok this happened two years ago, and I’ve seen it on TV. I can’t prove it, you’re gonna have to believe me on that one. On the other hand, I’m not really used to lie, as proven in the precedent step.
What I can say is that I hope they don’t do it anymore, but they sure did.
-anti-semitic: Jay…we talked about that earlier. “You are anti-semitic” is not working with me. It won’t prevent me from bashing the israeli government when it acts like nazis. I want this conflict to end, as well for jews right to live in peace.
“Israel’s nuclear arsenal is also the only thing that prevents it from being completely obliterated by its neigbors who have already tried to do so in 1948, 1967, and 1973”
did they need any nuclear weapon to fight and eventually win over? No
Since they signed the anti-proliferation protocol, should they declared it to the UN, or be considered illegal for unlawful possession of mass destruction (just like, you know…)? YES
“the areas which are being placed on the Israeli side are necessary to prevent the Palestinians from using their Qassam rockets and shelling Jewish cities on the other side”
first mistake: there is no JEWISH city in the region. You meant ISRAELI!!! OOps
second: the israeli cities are on palestinian soil!! Didn’t you knew it? Maybe this is one of the significant concession made by Sharon. this means that they are building an illegal wall to protect illegal cities (colonies)…even better
“Vincent:Israel refuses a peace keeping force in the region
Jay: They don’t need to. The IDF is doing well enough on their own.”
Yeah you’re right, they really are doing great. Plus it is totally logical that in a conflict between two “countries”, the army of one is as well the police of the other! Any population in the world would definitely love that!
“You believe Israel, the Middle East’s only democracy is the biggest threat to world peace regardless of the fact that such a contention is prima facie idiotic. Israel couldn’t project force beyond a few hundred kilometers, nor does it threaten any country that has not repeatedly attack it”
Jay, the poll says Israel is a threat to world peace, not that Israel is gonna take over the world. With your reasoning, France wouls still be at war with Germany and England, because we’ve been attacking each other for centuries.
“I’d say that by and large anti-Semitism is alive and well in Europe”
…what a surprise!
Poor Jay,
you must be so busy in writing your novel that you didn’thad the time to prove me wrong.
If you’d just had the time to answer that one, that’d be great:
VINCENT:”a law has just been passed saying that journalists must now be accredited by the “israeli FBI” to enter the country.”
JAY:”This statement is simply false.”
VINCENT provide the link to the artice!!
Just so that everyone know that when you answer that a statement is false, it’s because you’ve looked for it, and proven false, not just because this fact is bothering you.
One last thing about this poll in the EU considering at 59% Israel as the biggest threat to world peace:
France came in 12th position out of 15 european countries in ranking Israel as such(with only 30%)…Just get a clue: when you’re bashing France for anti-semitism, you just have no idea what you’re talking about (this doesn’t mean that people that consider Israel a threat for peace are anti-semitic though, since they were only judging the Sharon administration=Israel NOW, TODAY)
I think it is important to say at this point that I love the US and Israel, and would never support the undermining of their territory, power nor the safety of their population. I recognize the right of Israel to be a country and to live in peace. But for both countries, their powers MUST be attacked if it appears that their government are turning into fascism and corporate governance against peace, which is the case today!
Jay, I went and did a five-second search on Lexis-Nexis for “Israel+numbering+prisoners.” Here’s the “anti-Semitic lie,” as reported by the Associate press on March 13, 2002:
An Israeli lawmaker who survived the Nazi Holocaust expressed outrage Tuesday over Israeli troops writing identification numbers on the foreheads and forearms of Palestinian detainees awaiting interrogation during an army sweep of a West Bank refugee camp.
Yugoslav-born Tommy Lapid said he told army chief of staff Lt. Gen. Shaul Mofaz and Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer that the practice must cease immediately.
“As a refugee from the Holocaust I find such an act insufferable,” Lapid said, adding that Mofaz and Ben-Eliezer also were displeased with the practice and that both had pledged action.
During World War II, concentration camp inmates, most of them Jews, had numbers tattooed on their forearms.
Mofaz later said in a radio interview that he had ordered an immediate halt to the numbering, which the army said was done to identify and keep track of prisoners last week in the Tulkarem refugee camp.
In a statement, Ben-Eliezer said he viewed the matter gravely and the issue would be investigated.
One photograph showed a detainee who had just been released with a large number written across his forearm. Other detainees said they had three-digit numbers written across their foreheads.
The army has said the marking, in ink that could be washed off, was a one-time occurrence and not military policy. Television footage of detainees in another West Bank camp on Monday showed no such markings.
Still, Col. Gal Hirsh, a regional commander in the West Bank, conceded the numbering of prisoners at Tulkarem was a mistake.
“I don’t think that putting numbers on the (arms) of Palestinians that were arrested is a good idea,” Hirsh said.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Monday equated the action with the treatment of Jews in Nazi concentration camps.
Hirsh said the incident had been blown out of proportion and he condemned the comparison between Jewish soldiers and Nazis. “This makes me sick,” he said.
Raanan Gissin, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon acknowledged that numbering prisoners in such a way did not create an attractive media image.
Israeli military commentator Ron Ben-Ishai said commanders in the field often scribbled on their own arms, to note down such things as radio frequencies and call-signs, but acknowledged that to do so with Palestinian prisoners was insensitive.
Point well taken.
Note that this was a *one time* occurance that was immediately met with harsh condemnation by the Israeli brass. Given what Palestinians do to their prisoners – as in tearing them apart – it still does not justify the inhuman actions of the Palestinian terroist culture.
Actually, Jay, the Mossad admits publicly that it uses torture in interrogations. And the Palestinian “terrorist culture” is different from the Palestinian prevailing attitude, which is usually only a desire to live a normal, free and happy life, with a chance to prosper. How sad that you consider the American dream a “Palestinian terrorist culture”!