NaNoWriMo Update

I just crossed the 5,000 word milestone today, which means that I’m 10% of the way into my novel, and surprisingly enough, I’m actually feeling pretty good at this point. Considering that I haven’t written fiction since high school, I’m surprised how easy it’s been so far. (We’ll see how long that lasts!) Having an outline certainly helps in keeping the plot from wondering off.

Interestingly enough, real life provided some great fodder with this amazing story about the real life Aralsk Strain. These events have found their way into the novel, although I’ve changed the names a bit and perhaps embellished some details. (Finally, I don’t have to meticulously check all facts as I do with blogging – I’m free to Just Make Shit Up(tm)).

The goal is to get a good quarter of this thing done by this week – that’s 12,500 words. We’ll see how things go…

4 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Update

  1. 3,000 words, if anybody’s curious. I guess I’m two days behind. On the other hand I don’t think I have the luxury of making too much shit up, but that’s what happens when you write historical fiction. Too much research!

  2. Go Jay!

    Even though I’m not participating, I am going to publicize NaNoWriMo in the next issue of the Augustana Mirror- it seemed like an interesting topic for my next humor column…

  3. Frankly, I’d like to say “thank you” to all of the dissidents that post here for not taking the low road and making a joke about Jay writing fiction full-time already. (j/k)

  4. Frankly, I’d like to say “thank you” to all of the dissidents that post here for not taking the low road and making a joke about Jay writing fiction full-time already. (j/k)


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