Iron Hammer Continues

Another US offensive is taking place in Baghdad… more as the story develops.

5 thoughts on “Iron Hammer Continues

  1. Geez, who comes up with these names? “Iron Hammer” sounds like a bad action movie. Why don’t they call it “Operation Pissing Contest” and just get it out in the open?

  2. Heh… “Freedom Fries”… “PATRIOT Act”… “Homeland Security”… “Operation Iron Hammer”…

    A Texan president of dubious intelligence, an attorney general who has a statue covered because it’s breasts are showing, an incessantly-smiling secretary of defense with a tendency to speak in riddles… and nine Democratic candidates who can’t get anyone to take them seriously…

    Indeed, reality is all to often more ridiculous than fiction- who needs satires at a time like this? 🙂

  3. an attorney general who has a statue covered because it’s breasts are showing

    That makes a nice story, but it simply wasn’t true. Ashcroft didn’t order the backdrop and it was for the benefit of TV cameras rather than to cover the statue. It’s one of those dumb urban myths that no one bothers to actually verify.

    Personally, I’d like something like “Operation Kick The Holy Living Shit Out Of Terrorists” or “Operation You’re Next France”, but I have a feeling no one will be asking me to come up with those names… 🙂

  4. “Personally, I’d like something like “Operation Kick The Holy Living Shit Out Of Terrorists” or “Operation You’re Next France”, but I have a feeling no one will be asking me to come up with those names… ”

    How about “Operation: Osama Who?”

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