It seems Yassir Arafat is hoping to see a Democrat in the White House in 2005 – yet another reason why that is an incredibly bad idea.
It seems Yassir Arafat is hoping to see a Democrat in the White House in 2005 – yet another reason why that is an incredibly bad idea.
Yassir Arafat, the majority of Europe, a sizeable chunk of the American electorate, the majority of voters surveyed by Newsweek and CNN, a huge chunk of the American population as a whole and the majority of my friends, colleagues and associates.
Shit, Jay, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Hell, even YOU think that Bush screwed up the steel tariffs, and that USA PATRIOT Act is being misused.
What’s this article Jay??
“Part of Arafat’s strategy is to encourage another truce by Hamas and Islamic Jihad like the one that collapsed last summer.
This time, Israel would be party to the cease-fire agreement and would have to forgo any military operations, including efforts to stop homicide bombers.”
of course…
in the latests cease-fire agreements, there was no more army, or police? The whole army was disbanded? The Police was not allowed to bust terrorists?
if this agreement were to work properly, it would in fact mean: “stop pre-emptive war, while stealing our land bite by bite, please”.
You may argue that they are just requesting time so they can build up an army (with embargos all around), and make links with terrorist networks, but maybe they are just asking the same thing Israel is looking for: Peace!
Arafat may not be the one bet suited for that, but as a democratically elected leader (there was some voting problems as well in the US, so don’t start with your corruption issues), he still remains the representative of this “country”, and no other country (especially not the one it is at war with) should interfere in the choice of this leader.
Sharon is to my knowledge, as most ex-general-president always bothers me, not better designed for peace making!
“A document dated Nov. 3 concluded that mosques in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and on Temple Mount in Jerusalem are being used as “incitement centers” to spread hatred of Israel and the United States.”
Did he came up with that by himself, or he just understand today what “Islamic Jihad” means!
But I mean, go for it, kill them because of their religion!!!
I really don’t support their actions, but Israel leave them with no other choice but fighting.
Another leader is needed somewhere else than in this area…the real decision for the peace comes from a change…well, many places actually!
Have a good day 😉
No, the Oslo agreements allowed the Palestinians to maintain their own security forces, which still exist, and still are being used against Israel rather than against terrorists. Ahmed Qurei, the latest puppet Prime Minister for Arafat has allowed Arafat to retain control over these “security forces” which are really Arafat’s private army engaging in frequent human rights abuses to keep Arafat in power – just review what happens to anyone who is suspected of being an Israeli “collaborator”.
I would not only make that argument, but I’d say that the capture of the Karine-A a few years ago as well as the smuggling tunnels bring weapons in from Syria, Jordan, and Egypt prove it. Remember that the Arabic word hudna does not mean a truce, it means to withdraw from battle to rearm.
Our electoral problems didn’t include thugs with AK-47s threatening to kill anyone who didn’t vote the right way. There is no rational comparison between the two.
Yes, those massive celebrations where they’re all shouting “DEATH TO THE JEWS!” is really a peace march. If peace means genocide, then yes, the Palestinians want “peace”. If peace means living side-by-side with Israel, then the Palestinians most certainly do not want peace.
Of course, it’s all the Jews fault! How original! After all, how dare the Israelis repeatedly try to make peace with the Palestinians and defend themselves from brutal and inhuman attack!
all right then, let the bloodbath continue!
I say this as a Jew:
People who scream “Death to the Jews” are fuckheads. That in no way makes Sharon less responsible for the war crimes (legalistically speaking) carried out on his watch, it doesn’t make the wall a good idea and it doesn’t excuse a system of apartheid. Both sides need to be hit upside the head, then sit back down at the table and work something out.
Gray area, Jay. Gray area.
“Part of Arafat’s strategy is to encourage another truce by Hamas and Islamic Jihad like the one that collapsed last summer.
Funny how you don’t mention that the ceasefire collapsed due to a suicide bombing. Don’t like the facts, Vincent?
Arafat may not be the one bet suited for that, but as a democratically elected leader
LOOOOOOL. Ok, Vincent. Can you name 1 person who ran against Arafat? When did the election take place and when is his term over? Saddam was a “democratically elected leader” of Iraq, was he not? He got something like a 99% vote.
Thanks for the chuckle, Vince.
I really don’t support their actions, but Israel leave them with no other choice but fighting.
Hardly. The violence sky rocketed *after* OSLO. Further proof that negotiating with terorrists (instead of killing them) is counter productive.
That in no way makes Sharon less responsible for the war crimes (legalistically speaking)
Name them.
carried out on his watch, it doesn’t make the wall a good idea and it doesn’t excuse a system of apartheid
Apartheid? How so? Israel has over a million of Israeli Arabs.
Apartheid is the subjugation of one group by another within a single government. Arabs within Israel are not given the same rights or protections that Jewish Israelis get. The number of Arabs doesn’t factor in, you fucking idiot.
And you want war crimes for Sharon? 1982-Sabra and Shatila massacres (case filed in Brussels 18 June 2001) is a good place to start. That was inside a refugee camp in another country.
Israel is a signatory state to the UN’s 1991 CAT agreement, which outlaws torture and “cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment” for detained persons. Since then, the Israelis (inculding Sharon but beginning before him) have simply ignored the agreement and denied the UN observational privileges, calling the committee “incompetent” on investigating inside Israel (a response to the numerous UN sactions and condemnations Israel has received for their treatment of Palestinians). Did I mention that Amnesty International is reporting that Israeli troops were using Palestinian civilians as human shields in occupied areas–which is really, really, really, really illegal? Just checking.
Ever hear of Gush Etzion police station? It’s a garden spot, where CHILDREN are doused in icy water, beaten, threatened and, in some instances, held face-down in a toilet bowl as Israeli police attempt to extract information from them. This report, by the way, was released by B’tselem, which is an ISRAELI human rights group. Amnesty International has received corroborating reports of these crimes.
Oh, and that whole “detaining 40% of the male OCT population” thing. Yeah, that actually requires taking prisoners out of the OCT, which is illegal under the 4th Geneva Convention, as it moves detainees from an occupied area out of that area, denying them access to counsel and their families, as well as the International Red Cross–that bunch of lefties!
Stan, if you want to make a point, make your point. Your rhetoric at this point is so terrible as to hurt your argument every time you hit “post.” Try to work on that a bit, because you’re currently just a waste of time with no contribution to make to the discussion.
Arabs within Israel are not given the same rights or protections that Jewish Israelis get.
Depending on whom you talk to. Some will tell you that blacks are not given the same rights or protections as whites in US. I guess we live in an apartheid system.
you fucking idiot
You have serious issues debating civilly.
have simply ignored the agreement and denied the UN observational privileges, calling the committee “incompetent” on investigating inside Israel (a response to the numerous UN sactions and condemnations Israel has received for their treatment of Palestinians).
I see. So the allegations against Israel are accepted as facts. Yet, the allegation by Israel that UN is incompetent is not? Cool. Go on with your bad self.
Did I mention that Amnesty International
Amnesty International is not a neutral source. But go ahead, claim otherwise. I could use a laugh.
B’tselem, which is an ISRAELI human rights group
Another group with no agenda, eh? I think I’ll laugh now. LOL!
Your rhetoric at this point is so terrible as to hurt your argument every time you hit “post.”
Aw. How clever. Go have a cookie.
Try to work on that a bit, because you’re currently just a waste of time with no contribution to make to the discussion
Really? Who do you speak for, again? Ah. Never mind.
And you want war crimes for Sharon? 1982-Sabra and Shatila massacres (case filed in Brussels 18 June 2001) is a good place to start. That was inside a refugee camp in another country.
Oh, yea. Sharon succesfully sued Time magazine when they tried to paint him as a war criminal. Yea. In an american court.
Get your facts straight.
Yet you condescendingly brand the other 83% (or more) of black Americans as pigs feeding from the government trough who must stay loyal to their Democratic party masters for more handouts.
Uhm. No. That’s what the Left does. You guys try to tell blacks that republicans will take away social programs/welfare/affirmative action… As if blacks can’t survive in america without gov’t’s “helping hand”. I am sure that plenty of african americans are taking offense to your politics.
“Sharon succesfully sued Time magazine when they tried to paint him as a war criminal. Yea. In an american court.”
And your point is?
“Another group with no agenda, eh? I think I’ll laugh now. LOL!”
Actually, I included that because I didn’t want someone to try and claim anti-Semitism for that particular story. There was a disagreement concerning that last week on the subject of the treatment of detainees.
“Really? Who do you speak for, again? Ah. Never mind.”
Majority of one, pal.
“Amnesty International is not a neutral source. But go ahead, claim otherwise. I could use a laugh.”
Laugh away. They may advocate policies and select studies with a bias towards that, but I’ve never known their facts to be off. Even then, since when does a prisoners’ rights group care about weakening Israel? Must be they’re all subversives. Besides that, you’re welcome to provide a counterargument to the point as opposed to the source of the argument. It’ll take you about ten seconds on Google to find out if I’m wrong about Gush Etzion.
“So the allegations against Israel are accepted as facts. Yet, the allegation by Israel that UN is incompetent is not? Cool. Go on with your bad self.”
See, and here comes a problem. International law says that when a nation signs on to a treaty, they accept the terms of that agreement and subsequent agreements reached under that treaty for as long as they remain party to it. Israel is not supposed to deny UN investigators access to these facilities when they’ve already agreed to.
“You have serious issues debating civilly.”
I’ll work on that. Why is what’s happening there not apartheid?
And your point is?
He is not a war criminal. You need to get your facts straight.
They may advocate policies and select studies with a bias towards that, but I’ve never known their facts to be off.
Selective reporting of “facts”.
It’ll take you about ten seconds on Google to find out if I’m wrong about Gush Etzion.
Hardly. All I get are pro-pallie/pro-jihadi web sites. Hardly objective and all parroting the same thing. If you look for “Sharon Shatilla” you will get the same type of results back. Hardly factual. Again, I’ld refer you to the Sharon vs Time magazine suit.
International law says that when a nation signs on to a treaty
A law is only valid when it’s enforced and when its enforced equally. In any case. I’ll refer you to some more facts.
1)Naser ordered UN blue hats out of Sinai in 1967. UN complied.
2)UN forces were implicated in the kidnapping of 3 Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah.
3) UN certifies Israel’s pull out from Lebanon – Lebanon fails to keep its promise to deploy troops on the border – allowing Hezbollah to continue its attacks inside Israel. You’ld think it would be a hot topic at UN. Its not.
A law is only a law when its being applied and enforced, and done so equally.
Why is what’s happening there not apartheid?
You were making that case, not I. So, make your case.
Making the case that Israel employs apartheid is not a difficult one to make. Palestinians are required to live in specified areas, movement is restricted, rights to counsel and assembly are curttailed and the police have wide powers concerning their treatment without permanent written assurances of rights and privileges.
And you’re ill-advised to compare the situation of Palestinians today with that of African Americans today. If you want a good comparison, try Palestinians today and African Americans around the end of the 19th century.