Correction Of The Day

I have a feeling someone lost their job after running this article that had this correction:

CORRECTION: Because of an editing error, this story misattributed a quote from the speaker on an audiotape purportedly of Saddam Hussein as coming from Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota. It was the speaker on the tape, not Daschle, who said, “The evil ones now find themselves in crisis, and this is God’s will for them.” The only solution for Iraq was for “the zealous Iraqi sons, who ran its affairs and brought it out of backwardness . . . to return . . . to run its affairs anew,” the speaker on the tape said, referring to the Baath leadership. END

Then again, I could see how someone might mistake the rhetoric of those two…

2 thoughts on “Correction Of The Day

  1. What was my prediction again? That the right would produce at least 50 comparisons of Democrats to Osama bin Laden and/or Saddam Hussein before a single comparison was made of Bush to Hitler. Way to set the sleazeball precedent Jay. Only 49 more Daschle-Hussein comparisons from you guys and you’ll have validated my prediction. It’s not as if you guys could control yourself even if you tried.

  2. What was my prediction again? That the right would produce at least 50 comparisons of Democrats to Osama bin Laden and/or Saddam Hussein before a single comparison was made of Bush to Hitler. Way to set the sleazeball precedent Jay. Only 49 more Daschle-Hussein comparisons from you guys and you’ll have validated my prediction. It’s not as if you guys could control yourselves even if you tried.

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