There are disturbing signs that al-Qaeda intends to execute a major attack in Saudi Arabia near the Islamic holiday of the Eid al Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice. This holiday takes place on February 3.
A recent issue of the al-Qaeda communique The Voice of Jihad carried a chilling warning:
We continue on our path and in our Jihad against America. We continue to strike at America and we expect that our next blow will cause the collapse of the situation [in Saudi Arabia] due to the vengeful response, the first result of which will be the direct occupation of the oil sources and America’s entrance [into Saudi Arabia] with the aim of changing the situation from its foundations.
Therefore, you must prepare and anticipate this scenario. The responsibility and the mighty obligation expressed by establishing the Authoritative Council that will crown an Imam from among the Muslims who will manage the affairs of the direct confrontation with the Crusaders is incumbent upon you…
This message comes as Saudi Arabia is ramping up security in preparation for the hajj – the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims must attempt during their life. Nearly 1.4 million pilgrims are expected to arrive in Saudi Arabia this year, and there is a major concern that there may be a terrorist attack against Mecca by al-Qaeda forces.
There has been speculation that bin Laden is attempting to assume the role of the Imam Mahdi, the Islamic messiah figure who is prophesied to take the al-Battar, the sword of the prophet, and lead the Muslim people into one united caliphate. Such a tale seems far-fetched, but an Islamic fundamentalist like bin Laden would likely know of this story and use it to his advantage.
A direct attack followed by a civil war in Saudi Arabia would irrevocably alter the politics of the globe. Even a short war could disrupt global oil supplies, instantly sending the world economy into a tailspin. Such an event would almost certainly draw US forces into the region as The Voice of Jihad predicted. Whether this plan is more al-Qaeda bluster or a serious threat is unknown – however, with the Saudi’s security forces already engaging in battles with militants it is clear that the Saudi government is taking these threats very seriously.
I published an article in the spring 2002 “Middle East Quarterly” examining the prospects of UBL claiming to be the Mahdi. It’s available online at
Timothy Furnish, Ph.D.