Dems Shouldn’t Gloat Yet

CNN has a poll that shows John Kerry beating Bush in a hypothetical matchup 53% to 46%.

This should be sober news to the White House, but the Democrats shouldn’t start gloating yet. Kerry has yet to take the heat that comes with being a front-runner – Dean’s been doing that for months. Bush has yet to even begin campaigning, and the news coverage has been overwhelmingly of the Democrat’s attacks against Bush in the primaries. Under such circumstances anyone would see their ratings dip.

When the focus turns to Kerry, expect these numbers to change dramatically. Kerry is hardly a dynamic or moderate candidate, and Bush has the war chest that ensures he can pummel Kerry in the general election season. Kerry is getting a boost and Bush is getting slammed – but when the primary season coverage ends, that advantage ends with it.

Dean would have given Bush a landslide, but Kerry is eminently beatable. His Massachusetts liberal views are dramatically out of the mainstream, and Kerry’s campaign style is as dynamic as Bob Dole’s was.

Of course, that doesn’t mean Bush still can’t lose – he can. This election is going to be close in terms of the popular vote, and Bush will have to put up quite a fight. However, Democrats would do well to remember that the polls showed another Massachusetts liberal beating a Bush 16 years ago, and we all know how that turned out.

7 thoughts on “Dems Shouldn’t Gloat Yet

  1. Bush has the war chest that ensures he can pummel Kerry in the general election season.

    Doesn’t that bother you, maybe? That this election will be decided by money?

    Or is it that you don’t mind political corruption so long as your party is the one doing the corrupting…

  2. Having money != corruption. In fact, efforts to restrict campaign finance are more likely to create corruption – just see how George Soros is trying to buy this election through radical groups like MoveOn and the Center for American Progress. James Madison had this figured out in Federalist #10… unfortunate that no seems to get it today.

  3. You spin me right round baby right round….

    Weren’t you complaining less than a month ago that people were calling George Bush II an “unpopular” president? ‘Cause CNN and Newsweek wanna have a chat about that.

  4. Under Federal law, bitching about George Soros must be accompanied by a disavowal of the actions of Richard Mellon Scaife.

  5. “Richard Mellon Scaife is an American citizen…”

    You could have just looked up “George Soros” and “citizen” in Google to find out that posting that was really, REALLY dumb. Much like Rupert Murdoch, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Henry Kissinger, GEORGE SOROS IS A NATURALIZED U.S. CITIZEN, JAY!

    Plus, Bush is STILL below 50% re-elect, approval, versus Kerry and versus generic Democrat.

    And, as I said before, under Federal law, bitching about George Soros must be accompanied by a disavowal of the actions of Richard Mellon Scaife.

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