Schröder On The Way Out

German Chancellor Gerhardt Schröder is stepping aside as the leader of the German Social Democrat Party after a series of disastrous electoral losses in local elections. During his election to chancellor, Schröder used anti-American rhetoric to win – now it looks like all the America-bashing in the world won’t be enough to save him. Demagoguery couldn’t make up for a German economy that was once the strongest in Europe, but is rapidly failing to alleviate Germany’s massive unemployment rate and stagnant economic growth.

Schröder will remain Chancellor for now, but even that position is in some doubt if Schröder continues to slide in popularity.

Also, notice Schröder’s feet in the photo…

2 thoughts on “Schröder On The Way Out

  1. Schröder did not win the elections by employing anti American rhetoric. He was decidedly outspoken against German participation in a war, and it was this that turned the tide in his favor back then.

    Schröder will remain Chancellor for now, but even that position is in some doubt if Schröder continues to slide in popularity.

    As a matter of fact, the opposite just might be true. Without the duties of party chair on his back, he will finally be able to focus on the job he was elected by the general public.

    Demagoguery couldn’t make up for a German economy […]

    Neither could it help the economy of any country. (But I am willing to let myself be convinced otherwise if you provide examples where demagoguery did reinvigorate an economy.)


  2. Considering the way the SPD has been getting slaughtered in local elections, I have a feeling that I wouldn’t be too comfortable if I were Schröder. Schröder was hoping that criticism of the US would shift attention away from Germany’s sinking economy, but now he’s losing even that. Personally, I think he’s toast, but then again, Schröder has survived scandals before…

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