Front Page has a great article by the Center of the American Experiment’s Katherine Kersten on how St. Olaf students fought for intellectual diversity during their Nobel Peace Prize Forum. They held seminars and events exposing the hypocisies of the “peace” movement, displaying the true nature of Peace Prize winners like Yassir Arafat (terrorist), Rigaberta Menchu (liar), and Le Duc Tho (accessory to the systematic slaughter of 2.5-3 million people).
In short, they told the truth, fought the culture of groupthink at St. Olaf, and attracted the attention of the media to highlight their cause in a positive and constructive manner. St. Olaf has produced some great conservative leaders, including current College Republican National Committee chair Eric Hoplin, and its heartening to know that the current student leadership is continuing the important fight for intellectual diversity on college campuses.
You know, I’ve been in the “peace movement” for some time now, and I’ve never heard a single person suggest that Arafat or Le Duc Tho was a peacenik. Arafat crossed lines to sign the accord with Rabin, and only honoring Rabin would have completely destroyed the purpose of the summit. So, I suppose the Nobel committee could have stood on principle and escalated an intifada, but I give them a little credit for being smart people that know better.
Well, other than the Nobel Peace Prize committee…
Hmm… I should forward this to my sister. She’s a student there, and she just changed her major to Poli Sci, in keeping with family tradition… 🙂