John Kerry’s Big Mouth

John Kerry is refusing to apologize for his calling the GOP “the most crooked, you know, lying group I’ve ever seen.”. (Apparently the microphone didn’t pick up the next phrase – “since I looked in a mirror.”)


There’s nothing voters hate more than an asshole – and John Kerry is being an asshole. His lame excuse that he’s talking about the GOP “attack machine” is, well, a lame excuse. His comments were undignified, completely out of line, childish, and exactly what one has come to expect from the Democrats these days.

If I were Bush, I’d have that in a campaign ad tomorrow. Howard Dean plummeted because he couldn’t shut his yap with arrogant and ignorent comments – now it looks like John Kerry is making the same mistake.

18 thoughts on “John Kerry’s Big Mouth

  1. In a time of economic turmoil and a war against an enemy that just killed 200 people, all the Democrats can think about is petty hate and resentment. The most base of emotions.

    This is why the Democrats don’t deserve power. We need adults in charge, not a bunch of petulant and whining brats.

  2. Teresa Kerry is passing out tasteless buttons with the words “Asses of Evil” surrounded by pictures of the administration to supporters. Lileks commented on it and a description of the incident is on the Kerry website.

    Kerry and his wife are really classy people.

  3. In a time of economic turmoil and a war against an enemy that just killed 200 people, all the Democrats can think about is petty hate and resentment. The most base of emotions.

    Yeah, how dare they run against the president! They should be pulling together behind him, because we all know how dissent is unpatriotic!

    When there’s a cheat and a liar in office, with his cheating, lying cronies, it’s not unpatriotic to point that out. And when the problems facing the country stem from poor choices from the current administration, all the solutions to those problems are going to start “first we get rid of the current president, then…”

    When Kerry says that the GOP spin machine are crooked liars, it’s only because they’re the dirtiest, most mendacious smear merchants in politics today. It’s bad form for you to whine when somebody points that out. How about you drop the righteous indignation and stop acting like a child, Jay?

  4. When there’s a cheat and a liar in office, with his cheating, lying cronies, it’s not unpatriotic to point that out. And when the problems facing the country stem from poor choices from the current administration, all the solutions to those problems are going to start “first we get rid of the current president, then…”

    When Kerry says that the GOP spin machine are crooked liars, it’s only because they’re the dirtiest, most mendacious smear merchants in politics today.

    Need I even point out the irony of calling Bush a cheat and a liar then complaining about how dirty the Republicans are?

    The poor Democrats, so scared of people pointing out their records. Who would dare question someone’s record in a political campaign?! It’s unheard of!

    Apparently the Democrats idea of fair campaigning is when the Democrats fill the airwaves with the crudest of invectives, and the Republicans don’t fight back.

    Cry me a bloody river…

  5. Need I even point out the irony of calling Bush a cheat and a liar then complaining about how dirty the Republicans are?

    Has Bush cheated? Yes. Has Bush lied? Yes.

    I stand by my statements, and Kerry should stand by his.

    What I do find ironic is your platitudes about politician’s records in a thread where you’re complaining about statements. If you think Bush’s record is so strong, why do you care so much about a few off-the-record remarks?

    Here’s an idea. Every time a politician says something, pretend it’s your roommate saying it. A lot of these statements that the media thinks are so significant are just no big deal at all.

    I’m comfortable having a race run on records. Are you? If so, why all the flap about words?

  6. I’m comfortable having a race run on records. Are you? If so, why all the flap about words?

    Kerry certainly isn’t – which is why he’s avoiding the issues and concentrating on soundbites and cheap shots.

    But just to review, thanks to Bush 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq now have a chance to live in freedom, al-Qaeda has been decimated, the Taliban will never return, the Iraqi mass graves are no longer being filled, Uday and Qusay Hussein can’t rape another Iraqi woman, Saddam Hussein is in jail, Osama bin Laden is trapped like a rat, Libya has unilaterally disarmed, India and Pakistan are engaging in negotiations, North Korea has suddenly accepted multilateral talks, the US GDP is at a healthy level, unemployment has been slowly but steadily decreasing, we’re prevented several terrorist attacks, businesses are growing, especially small businesses, consumer and business spending is up, withheld payroll reciepts (a statistically significant indicator of employment growth) are up significantly, and even Democrats like Sen. Zell Miller and Ed Koch are endorsing Bush because of his leadership.

    In the meantime all John F’in Kerry can do is call Bush names and talk about his war record. He certainly doesn’t want to talk about his worthless Senate record in which he garnered the prestigious title of Most Liberal Senator, sponsored no major legislation except a bill on fisheries, tried to gut the military, tried to gut intelligence, and was on the wrong side of the POW issue, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and now wants to deny it all ever happened.

    No wonder Kerry doesn’t want to run on his record – what little he has shows how out of touch he is.

  7. Mr. Reding:

    “Conservitism with Attitude” huh? More like Hypocrasy with Malice. I’ve met people like you. They spend all their time mouthing off in order to draw attention away from their incredibly small penises. It’s not working! You’ve been found out!You think if you lie with conviction everybody will believe you. Guess what Mr. Reding! We don’t need you, we’ve already got Coulture, Limbaugh, Hannity, and O’Reilly, and we’ve already torn them to shreads. “You people” are like circus performers leap-frogging over one another to see who can be the most mendacious for Master Murdoch. Then maybe he might throw you a bone, so to speak. That would make one, anyway.

    Face it. Democrat=Handsome friendly lover of truth without insecurity, nor desire to get hands on Murdoch’s bone because either they have a nicely perportioned one hanging between their legs or their husband does.
    GOP=Teeny, weeny, scrawny, immature, ugly, wretched, poor-me, squeeky wheels with obnoxious and absurd pride and nothing to be proud of. Have very small dicks, no sex life, and hate mirrors because they, like Democrats, don’t lie.

    Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, fool!

    Go Kerry.

  8. tried to gut intelligence

    Oh? Trimming the intelligence budget by one percent constitutes “gutting”?

    Since the Republican-led Congress that year cut the intelligence budget by more than twice that, exactly what word would you use now? “Deboning”?

    See what Kerry means about the GOP smear machine? Jay’s just one more cog.

  9. Oh? Trimming the intelligence budget by one percent constitutes “gutting”?

    Kerry’s amendment to H.R. 3759 would have cut $1 billion from the intelligence budget in FY 1994 and $5 billion in FY 1995-1998. That’s around 6% of the total intelligence budget. As Kerry’s Democratic colleague said of the cuts:

    [T]he intelligence budget has already been cut by almost 18 percent over the past 2 years. An additional reduction of $1 billion would severely hamper the intelligence community’s ability to provide decision makers and policymakers with information on matters of vital concern to this country. … These issues include nuclear proliferation by North Korea … as well as terrorist threats against American citizens and property. (Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI) Congressional Quarterly 2/10/94)

    Kerry previously had voted to drastically reduce the CIA’s HUMINT capacity, the very kind of intelligence that we need to fight terrorism.

    No wonder Kerry doesn’t want to run on his record, preferring to smear George W. Bush instead.

  10. And the smear machine grinds on…

    According to this Washington Post article:

    Bush is correct that Kerry on Sept. 29, 1995, proposed a five-year, $1.5 billion cut to the intelligence budget. But Bush appears to be wrong when he said the proposed Kerry cut — about 1 percent of the overall intelligence budget for those years — would have “gutted” intelligence. In fact, the Republican-led Congress that year approved legislation that resulted in $3.8 billion being cut over five years from the budget of the National Reconnaissance Office — the same program Kerry said he was targeting.


    The $1.5 billion cut Kerry proposed represented about the same amount Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), then chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, told the Senate that same day he wanted cut from the intelligence spending bill based on unspent, secret funds that had been accumulated by one intelligence agency “without informing the Pentagon, CIA or Congress.” The NRO, which designs, builds and operates spy satellites, had accumulated that amount of excess funds.

    Cutting money they weren’t spending anyway? Not exactly “gutting”, is it?

    By all means, let’s have a race run on records, Jay. But let’s stick to the real records, not Bush’s made-up ones, ok?

  11. The intelligence budget was about $28 billion/year from 1994-1998. Kerry would have cut a total of $6 billion. That’s not 1% – it’s closer to 6%. Furthermore, if you’d actually read the amendment to HR 3759 Kerry’s cuts come on top of the GOP-sponsored cuts.

    Furthemore, HR 3759 did not cut the NRO budget, it cut the National Foreign Intelligence Program and the Tactical Intelligence Program – both HUMINT (HUMan INTelligence) resources, not the ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence) programs of the NRO. In fact, the NFIP has absolutely nothing to do with the NRO. It was created as part of 50 U.S.C. § 401a-6, which does not meantion the NRO. Nor does Tactical Intelligence fall under the aegis of the NRO.

    Of course, anyone willing to do a modicum of reasearch can find this out – which is why Kerry is in trouble – it’s now easier than ever to learn about his real record as a Senator.

  12. CORRECTION: 50 U.S.C. § 401a-6 does mention the NRO as a program under 50 U.S.C. § 401a-4(F), however, the NFIP consists of all agencies engaged in non-military intelligence services. However, Kerry’s attempted cut (which was soundly defeated by a vote of 75-20) was not targeted at only the NRO as the WaPo claims.

  13. How soon they forget. “Major league asshole,” anyone? Oh, wait, I get it–he wasn’t challenging a sitting President at the time, and IOKIYAR.

  14. All this hate no facts. It doesnt matter. I will stick by my guns. Did you ever watch a football game with two teams you dont like. You always pick the underdog or the one with the pretty colors. I like Bush because he represents every American. He is somewhat intellegent but shows that he isnt above the average American. So for the john kerry loving people. Why does kerry act like his shit dont stink? screw kerry no doubt i will vote for bush just cause he doesnt have the will screw you face. – good luck democrats… to bad that the people that love this country dont love it as much as the republicans.

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